A lot of tourists who are going on vacation to China are wondering what seas this country is washed by, in fact, where to rest, which coast to choose. By the way, there is plenty to choose from, because there are already three seas in the Celestial Empire.

Step 1
The territory of China is surrounded by three semi-enclosed seas in the Pacific Ocean basin - the East China, South China and Yellow seas. A semi-enclosed sea is a body of water that is surrounded by the mainland in some parts, and adjacent islands separate it from the ocean. If you do not take into account the coastline of the islands, which are part of the state and number about three and a half thousand units, the entire coast of the Celestial Empire stretches for 12,000 kilometers.
Step 2
The Yellow Sea is located in the area of the shallow middle on the continental shelf. The sea surface covers an area of 417 thousand square kilometers. The depth of the Yellow Sea is on average about forty meters.
Step 3
As for the East China Sea, its surface covers an area of 752 thousand square kilometers, and has an average water depth of 350 meters. The East China Sea is connected to the South China waters by the Taiwan Strait, which is approximately three hundred and sixty kilometers long, but the width at its narrowest points is 130 kilometers. The strait is shallow, as there are places in its channel where the water depth does not exceed sixty meters.
Step 4
It is the South China Sea that is the largest of those whose waters wash the territory of the Middle Kingdom: its surface covers an area of 2,140 thousand square kilometers. The East China and Yellow Seas are shallow water bodies, but the South China Sea is located at a level of 1-2 kilometers, in some places the maximum water depth reaches five kilometers.
Step 5
Nowadays, it is becoming more and more popular to spend holidays on the shores of the Chinese seas. An interesting and exciting vacation can be spent not only in the Middle Kingdom. You can travel to the Chinese seas on a ship that can take travelers to the picturesque islands, one of which is Hainan, which is the largest tropical island located in the southern part of China.
Step 6
Hainan Island is famous all over the world for its amazing beaches and clear waters. Almost most of this island is covered with forests, which means that clean and healthy air prevails here, which delights travelers. This island can be confidently compared to a real paradise.