We Are Resting In Guangzhou

We Are Resting In Guangzhou
We Are Resting In Guangzhou

Guangzhou is one of the largest and most picturesque cities in the DPRK. On the one hand, it is a commercial and industrial center, and on the other, it is rich in traditions and distinctive culture. Very ancient, it has preserved many interesting sights, while not forgetting about economic development. Once the Great Silk Road began in the port of Guangzhou.

We are resting in Guangzhou
We are resting in Guangzhou

Climate in Guangzhou

The climate in Guangzhou is subtropical monsoon. It is warm all year round, a little humid and never too cold. Even winter is more like spring. Average temperature for the whole year: 20-22 degrees Celsius.

The rainy season in Guangzhou runs from March to early July. At this time, you can expect anything from the weather, unexpected and very heavy showers are not at all uncommon. Most precipitation falls in May. In Guangzhou, you should always have an umbrella with you during the rainy season. Even if the sky is clear in the morning, the weather can change very quickly.

Summer is a challenging time for travelers accustomed to temperate climates. The intense heat is around the clock. During the day, the temperature reaches 38-39 degrees.

The most comfortable season for visiting is autumn. From October to December inclusive, the weather here is pleasant and mild: warm and clear. At this time, many interesting plants bloom here.

It is quite cool in winter, the temperature can even drop to 5-10 degrees, but never falls below zero.

Guangzhou landmarks

A rich cultural city, Guangzhou has about 200 monuments and attractions visited by tourists. In addition to interesting places, it is also famous for its festivals. They are held at very different times of the year. People from all over the world come to the flower festival, the holiday of national cuisine, as well as to all the events that are significant in the Chinese calendar.

Guangzhou is rebuilding and changing very quickly, like all Chinese cities. For a glimpse of ancient China, visit Shamian Island, where traditional neighborhoods have been preserved.

One of the main symbols of the city is the statue of the Five Goats. It is connected with the ancient legend that when there was a famine in ancient Guangzhou, the gods descended into the settlement with five goats, each of which had a spikelet in its teeth. All residents were fed with these spikelets, and all the fields were sown, which led Guangzhou to prosperity and prosperity.

Traditional parks in Guangzhou are very harmonious and thoughtful. Be sure to go to the Botanical Garden and Orchid Park, a culture park where various performances are often held, Haichuan Park with a monastery located on its territory. The temples of Guangzhou are also very interesting.
