Evpatoria is a wonderful resort town. A large number of tourists flock here every year. The main attraction here is undoubtedly the Black Sea, which has healing properties.

The city of Evpatoria is located on a flat area. The maritime climate is in harmony with the steppe climate. The air is drier here than in the south of Crimea. Thanks to this, even on the sunniest days, the heat is tolerated quite well.
Sea in Evpatoria
The bay in Evpatoria is shallow, it is suitable for bathing small children. The smooth sandy bottom beckons. There are practically no ebb and flow.
Water procedures are the main therapeutic procedure offered at this resort. The Black Sea in Evpatoria shows the warmest temperatures in August (up to 24.4 degrees Celsius), the coldest in February (up to 7.2 degrees Celsius). Favorable water temperatures for bathing, without dropping below 16 degrees Celsius, last for a very long period - 6 months a year: from May to October inclusive.
Here, seawater contains gases (nitrogen, oxygen and others) in a dissolved state, a small amount of organic matter, and mineral salts. The water in the bay is very clean and with a high degree of mineralization (18 grams per liter). Due to the increased concentration of salts and microelements, procedures in the sea of Yevpatoria are a potent remedy.
During bathing, a person is exposed to ionized air, sun and sea water. The water temperature is significantly lower than the temperature of the human body. In this regard, bathing causes cooling of the body. The maximum therapeutic and health-improving effects will be achieved if sea bathing is combined with swimming. It is best to carry out such procedures in the morning before 11 o'clock or in the evening from 16 to 19 o'clock, but no more than twice a day.
When teaching young children to health procedures in Yevpatoria, it is necessary to start with rubbing in the sun with a towel moistened first with fresh and then salted sea water. After a few days of such events, you can briefly dip the child in water (from 30 seconds to a minute). Gradually it is necessary to bring the bathing up to three to five minutes. School-age children - up to 15 minutes. It is recommended to bathe children in water with a temperature of at least 20-21 degrees Celsius.
What is being treated in Evpatoria
Sea water procedures accelerate the circulation of blood, lymph, increase the vitality of the body, tone up the nervous system, enhance metabolism, and have a pronounced hardening effect.
The positive effect of sea bathing is observed with rickets, general overwork, neurasthenia, obesity, hysteria, a predisposition to colds, anemia. If the patient has kidney disease, radiculitis, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and some others, then water procedures are contraindicated for such people.