The topic of how to avoid a tick bite becomes especially relevant in the spring, when many people go to nature to relax. The insect is not always the carrier of the infection. But it is much easier and safer not to face them at all. To do this, you must follow the rules of conduct. There is a certain safety technique that has long been known to avid tourists. Simple tips can help you avoid a tick bite.

Step 1
If you are going to travel to a place where there are a lot of ticks, make it a rule: carefully examine your body every hour. The tick does not bite right away. First, he looks for a place and does it for a long time. Ideally, you need to undress for a closer inspection. Pay special attention to areas such as folds behind the ears, hairline, armpits and groin. There is thin skin, very beloved by ticks. It is imperative for women and girls to examine the breasts and the area under the bra elastic. Do not forget to also lift the edge of the panties when examining, where the tick can get stuck and bite.
Take some scotch tape with you. When you find a tick on your clothing, it will need to be removed. Doing this with your hands is undesirable. Scotch tape will easily help remove it without touching. Just stick the insect to the sticky side and cover with a second layer of tape. Then it can be burned in a fire so that this tick does not bite someone else.
Step 2
Light clothing
When going to the forest or park, choose light-colored, solid-colored clothing. Blue jeans, for example, are fine. The protective coloring of the pants is one of the most undesirable for hiking in the forest. On a light background, it is much easier to spot a crawling tick.
Don't wear dirty dark clothes. You can buy a special anti-mite costume. It is usually white in color and has flaps on the chest, sleeves and pants in which ticks get stuck.
If the weather is not very hot, girls can wear thin nylon tights under their trousers. The ticks become entangled in them and cannot crawl further.
Step 3
Body skin access
The tick only crawls up. It does not change the direction of travel. It is enough to tuck the trousers into the socks, and the T-shirt into the pants to make it as difficult as possible for the tick to access the skin. Maybe this appearance is not very attractive, but it will protect you. With this shape of your clothes, the insect will crawl for a long time where you can easily notice it.
Step 4
In stores, you can now easily buy special repellent repellents. They are applied to clothes and remain on it for a long time, some even after washing. It is better to handle clothes not on yourself, but in the open air for some time before putting them on.
Finish the legs and sleeves carefully. It is in these places that ticks are easiest to catch. Also, don't forget your backpack. It must be sprayed with repellent, because you will be laying it on the ground.
Step 5
Headdress and Hair Collected
For owners of long hair, it is advisable to braid a braid or tight ponytail. This will make it easier to spot the tick on the head along the edge of the hair. You can also wear a light or bright solid colored bandana or cap that shows the tick well.
Step 6
Rules of conduct in the forest
To minimize the risk of a tick bite, it is necessary to behave in a certain way in the forest. Walk only on trodden paths and paths. Ticks are more likely to sit in tall grass. There are much fewer of them on the paths. And there is a high probability that someone has already passed before you and "collected" them for himself. Therefore, it is better not to swing your arms wide and do not leave the trail.
One of the most common situations in which a person clings to a tick is going to the toilet. If you need to relieve yourself, you should not go far into the bushes or thicket of the forest. Ask your companions to come forward and not look back. Trust me, it's much safer to urinate on the trail.
Step 7
If you are going to take your dog with you, you must wash it with a special product that repels ticks before going into the forest. Don't let your dog sleep on your belongings or in the tent with you. Better give her a special bedding in the hallway of the tent. Running on the grass, the animal can easily bring ticks, which will then jump on you.