At this age, children already consciously learn about the world around them, show independence, initiative and are able to bear some responsibility for their actions.

Step 1
Let the child, with your help, put together his own backpack, which will accommodate his favorite toys, books, and other necessary and interesting things for him. Let your little one know that they will have to carry their own luggage and take care of it on the road.
Step 2
Take snacks with you on the road. These can be dryers, crispbreads, bread sticks, homemade crackers or cookies. If there is a treat that you very rarely allow your child, take it too, but use it only for the most urgent cases, when, for example, you need to quickly calm down a capricious little traveler.
Step 3
If your trip involves being in crowded places, it is a good idea to get a baby walkie-talkie, baby monitor, or GPS device. The latter is convenient in that it is fastened in the form of a clip on the child's belt, and parents can always find their child, even if it unexpectedly "absent" somewhere. In addition, the device has a "panic button". Teach the kid to use it, and then he can press it himself if he loses sight of you.
Step 4
Don't forget to take games on the road. It is best to give preference to games with magnets, drawing, cardboard or finger portable theater. And, of course, you can take your favorite books on the road.