Traveling with the whole family with a small child is always pleasant and useful. But besides the joy of new discoveries, this is an even greater responsibility. After all, the main concern of parents will be the safety of the crumbs, Therefore, no matter where and on what you are traveling, try to correctly assemble a first-aid kit.

Healthy tummy
Means for maintaining the digestive tract are one of the most demanded on the road. Poisoning, intestinal infections, just a reaction to unfamiliar food - unfortunately, all this occurs far from home. The baby's stomach is very delicate, and the immune system is just being formed. To help the little one cope with such a misfortune as quickly as possible, you should have proven enterosorbents with you. They will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxic products and the effects of viruses and bacteria.
As a logical continuation of treatment, drugs are needed to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the intestinal microflora. After all, it is not enough to remove harmful microorganisms from the body, you also need to return it to its normal working condition.

From the heat and pain
Alas, viral and infectious diseases accompany people everywhere. Including when traveling. But it must be borne in mind that in an unfamiliar environment, a small child inevitably experiences stress. Immunity also weakens from this. As a result, a young organism becomes an easy prey for pathogens.
If your baby suddenly has a fever and is not feeling well, do not panic. You can relieve unpleasant symptoms yourself before the doctor arrives: you will need antipyretic and pain relieving drugs intended for children. By the way, if your baby is actively teething, take a gel with you to relieve pain.
Ear, throat, nose
Runny nose, redness in the throat, pain in the ears give babies the most problems. Therefore, bring along a nasal rinse and vasoconstrictor drops (just remember not to get carried away with them). A medication for ear pain may be helpful. But you can use it only after consulting a doctor. Indeed, without a comprehensive examination, it is impossible to determine the degree of development of inflammation. And, for example, with purulent otitis media, drops in the ears are contraindicated.
Allergy-free ride
Even if your child is not prone to allergic reactions under normal conditions, in a new environment, he may show an immune failure. And the body will react to it accordingly. Remember that you are allergic not only to food, but also to water, to the pollen of unfamiliar plants, to cleaning products.

So it is better to play it safe by putting antihistamines in the medicine cabinet to relieve itching and dry skin and to stop attacks of suffocation. They will come in handy until the doctor arrives. And, of course, the classics of the genre are dressings: sterile napkins and bandages, various plasters, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide. You can't do without them! After all, kids are very inquisitive, abrasions and scratches can hardly be avoided.
Armed with this set of drugs, you are not afraid of any force majeure! With them you can go even to the ends of the world.