How To Effectively Relax At Sea

How To Effectively Relax At Sea
How To Effectively Relax At Sea

After waiting for the desired vacation and reaching the sea, everyone would like to have an effective rest, get a beautiful even tan and improve the body.

How to effectively relax at sea
How to effectively relax at sea

Briefly about the main

If you are planning a vacation in advance, it will be useful to find information on water quality, catering and the availability of a medical aid point in the selected locality. Be sure to pack a small first aid kit with antihistamines, pain relievers, disinfectants, and antipyretics, as well as antiemetic tablets and remedies for indigestion. Complete the list according to your own needs.

How to get a beautiful tan in a short time

The best hours for sunbathing are the morning and evening hours, usually from 7 to 12 and from 15 to 18. Start sunbathing from half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening, gradually increasing the time you spend in the sun. Avoid being in direct sunlight during the highest solar activity period, as extensive sunburn is likely during this time. Natural remedies will help to tan beautifully. For example, 3 drops of essential oil of verbena or sweet orange, dissolved in 1 liter of liquid and drunk during the day, helps to obtain an even, beautiful tan. Neroli oil can be added to cosmetic oil and applied to the face and body 30 minutes before sunbathing. At night, after showering, apply a cosmetic oil with lavender essential oil on wet skin. This product will not only soften the skin, but also ensure a good sound sleep.

How to get the most out of sea water

Firstly, swimming in the sea is a good way of hardening, which will certainly reflect in the best way on the state of immunity and will serve the whole year, especially during the period of viruses and colds. But here, too, one must observe measure and caution. Start by walking on the water in the early morning hours. This will not only increase the body's resistance to microbes, but also strengthen the nervous system thanks to the excellent acupressure of the feet, performed with sand and pebbles in a way that no master can perform. Gradually accustom yourself to uncomfortable water temperatures and start swimming. Swimming is a great way to strengthen and tone all muscle groups, as well as cheer yourself up. Sea water is also an effective means of fighting cellulite, as under the influence of cool salt water blood circulation improves, as well as the process of lymphatic drainage, which contributes to the improvement of body contours, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Water treatments should last at least 15 minutes to achieve a health and beauty effect. A big mistake is made by those who, immediately after taking water procedures, in a hurry to rinse the body with fresh water. This action practically nullifies all the beneficial properties of the sea. Take your time, let the sea salt soak in, don't be afraid to dry out your skin. On cloudy days, try at least to take a walk by the sea, since it is in such inclement weather that iodine and other useful substances that are rich in sea water are most intensively released.

How to protect your hair from the aggressive effects of the sun and sea water

Hair is prone to dryness under the influence of salt water and hot sun, therefore it requires special care in summer.

  1. Wash your hair daily or every other day, as hair gets dirty much faster in summer.
  2. After shampooing, apply some jojoba or almond oil to damp hair, which does not weigh hair down and provides reliable protection against dryness.
  3. Wear a hat, trying to hide even the ends of your hair from the hot sun.

What to eat and how much to drink

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of greens - these products abound in the local markets of any resort town. Avoid eating heavy fatty foods, a lot of meat dishes and thermally processed foods. Perishable foods and questionable food quality offered by grocery hangers on some beaches are also best avoided. Boiled shrimp that has spent several hours in a closed bucket on the beach is unlikely to be fresh, and the rest will be spoiled by food poisoning. The same applies to the handicraft production of pies, shawarma, mussel kebabs and other delights offered by merchants, who hardly have a sanitary book. Drink clean water in amounts based on your individual needs. In extreme heat, you can drink hot green tea. It is better to give up the use of strongly chilled and alcoholic drinks altogether, and especially during the day. Indeed, due to the heat, the cardiovascular system is overloaded, and alcohol will only create additional stress. The body is hot on hot days, and strongly chilled drinks can provoke colds and even sore throats. A little alcohol, as well as slightly more fatty and high-calorie foods, you can afford on a cool summer evening.
