What Is Djoser's Step Pyramid Famous For?

What Is Djoser's Step Pyramid Famous For?
What Is Djoser's Step Pyramid Famous For?

Egyptian pyramids are by no means the only ones on the planet. However, it is they who are still the most popular and mysterious, and often riddles are born from banal ignorance or confusion in concepts. For example, the largest pyramid and the most investigated is not the pyramid of Cheops, but the pyramid of Djoser, which few people have ever heard of.

What is Djoser's step pyramid famous for?
What is Djoser's step pyramid famous for?

"The most famous Egyptian pyramid was and remains the pyramid of Cheops," you say, and you will be wrong. There are a number of other most beautiful and mysterious creations of human hands, which served as tombs for the repose of the souls of the ancient pharaohs. One of such monumental and most beautiful structures, of course, is the first of the pyramids of Egypt, the pyramid of Djoser, which served as the place of finding the last refuge of the pharaoh and designed by a certain Imhotep, the closest dignitary of a dignitary.

Reference monument

Surprisingly, this mysterious structure has practically not lost its former beauty, time was powerless over this six-step monument, reaching a height of 61 meters.

The pyramid is famous for its numerous trap chambers, which, according to one of the versions, were supposed to become a coffin for those who came to plunder the tomb of the pharaoh.

For many years, she served as the main role model for buildings of this kind in Ancient Egypt. Even Herodotus called her the most important and first wonder of the world. The steps, which became the main direction of the construction of the pyramid of the magnificent Josser, the pharaoh of the third dynasty, famous for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, symbolize a certain staircase leading to the sky, and the building itself was supposed to acquire the status of a family tomb.

The mysterious structure of the pyramid

By the way, it was the legends about the death traps of this pyramid that formed the basis of many Hollywood films, where gold diggers and hunters find themselves walled up alive inside tombs.

Inside the pyramid is a huge shaft, at the bottom of which is the sarcophagus itself. For the execution of the pyramid itself, which, by the way, was built in six separate stages, stone was used, and not at all raw brick, which was the main building material of those times.

If you study the pyramid in more detail, then you can note a huge number of changes and alterations made in the process of its construction. Many different passages and tunnels approach the walls of the giant inner shaft, which outwardly do not at all resemble ritual rooms, but rather resemble living rooms decorated with ornaments and paintings telling about the earthly life of Djoser himself.

Many tunnels date back to an earlier period than the time of the construction of the pyramid itself, this is a sure evidence that the mines served as a habitat for people who lived many centuries before the appearance of the Egyptian pharaohs.

The bottom of the mysterious mine is covered with some granite sleepers, which, in turn, rest on limestone blocks decorated with wonderful star ornament.

What hides this outer sarcophagus, Egyptian researchers do not yet know. Only one thing is clear, initially the pyramid was a kind of city or ancient settlement, hidden from sunlight and air, perhaps this paradox can be explained by the destructive power of the sun's rays or other factors. Researchers continue to fight over the riddles of the wonderful pyramid, which at first glance seemed to be a typical tomb of the Egyptian demigods.