The Ancient City Of Arkaim: The Wreckage Of A Lost Civilization

The Ancient City Of Arkaim: The Wreckage Of A Lost Civilization
The Ancient City Of Arkaim: The Wreckage Of A Lost Civilization

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Ancient Arkaim is a piece of history that opened the veil of secrecy in 1987 and still haunts the minds of people. No other ruins in the world arouse as much curiosity among intellectuals as Arkaim, found in the Chelyabinsk region. The stories and myths that surround him do not stop for a minute.

The find of the 20th century is the ancient city of Arkaim. Remnants of a Lost Civilization
The find of the 20th century is the ancient city of Arkaim. Remnants of a Lost Civilization

A bit of history

Discovered in the late 1980s, the ancient city of Arkaim is literally on the edge of the universe. The endless steppe, framed by mountains, stretches around it for many kilometers.


It was found by chance by a team of Chelyabinsk scientists preparing the flooded area for the creation of a reservoir. Photos taken from the plane showed strange spiral-ring designs.


News of the discovery of archaeologists made adjustments to the plans of the Soviet government. The flooding of the area had to be canceled. An active study of it began. During the excavations, it turned out that these are the remains of an ancient village dating back to the 18-17 century BC! It looked very unusual - the settlement itself consisted of two circles: one inside the other, separated by massive defensive walls, and in the middle was the central square.


There was a fortress on the square, which served as a temple and an astronomical observatory for the ancient people at the same time. Remains of stoves, wells and sewers were found in the settlement. Scientists tend to think that this is the village of the ancient Aryans. Many facts point to this assumption. Ceramic objects excavated from the ground are covered with ancient symbols of the sun and eternity.


The geometry of the construction of the settlement also prompts similar thoughts - to get closer to the central square, one had to walk along the entire length of the circular street. The movement in a circle served not only for defensive purposes, but also had a sacred meaning: it turns out that in order to enter the city, one had to follow the Sun.

It turns out that the distant sages did not just build the city in the form of a circle - a mandala … After all, a mandala is understood throughout the world as a model of a perfect and harmonious Universe. And the "Arkaim" in the construction of their city simply recreated its model. And here the conclusion about the high intellectual and spiritual level of the ancient people already suggests itself.

Anomalous zone

The ancient city remains a scientific treasure trove, but the pseudosciences adore it even more. This area is one of the strongest anomalous zones in Russia. After archaeologists, historians and ethnographers became interested in the ancient settlement, it immediately caused a wide public response. Prophets, psychics, communicators with outer space, members of various religious cults, people seeking treatment and enlightenment were drawn to Arkaim in friendly ranks.


"Psychic tourism" began in 1991 after the arrival here of one of the most famous Russian astrologers. To this day, more than 25 thousand people visit this place every year. There have been times when visitors to the ancient valley saw some strange light moving in the sky at night, light flashes, foggy clusters, and some other strange things. If the stories of the "pilgrims" are to be believed, people often experienced unreasonable mental stress in some areas. Many tourists experienced changes in heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.

Although this is not surprising. Just imagine, the air temperature in Arkaim can rise and fall by 5 degrees within 5 minutes. The trees in the nearby forests are curved driftwood, which is a clear sign of geopathogenic zones.


It is believed that a person who has visited Arkaim makes a 180-degree turn in his fate and will never be the same. That is, it is like a zero point of reference, after which life enters the right track. The judgment is, of course, controversial. But the fact that the place is special does not have to be discussed.

It is not for nothing that this place attracts people. Ancient Arkaim is identified with the principles of world peace and carries this message through the millennia, being an unspoken message for future generations. Perhaps that is why it so excites the minds of people and they want to touch with their own hands the "cradle" of ancient history.
