Emigration To India

Emigration To India
Emigration To India

Table of contents:


India has a rather pleasant climate, friendly people, inexpensive prices, there is a sea, you can always relax and unwind. There is a temptation to move to this place, but you need to understand that you still have to work, it will not be a permanent rest, as during a tourist trip. In addition, the country as it appears to a tourist is completely different from the point of view of a local resident. There are several important things to do, which are useful to pay attention to in order to leave to live in India.

Emigration to India
Emigration to India


Step 1

The first step is to decide exactly where you want to live. India has coastal and mountainous regions, historical and mystical places … There are plenty to choose from. The Himalayas are located close to Tibet, and if your goal is spiritual practices, then there is no better area than mountainous India. Life is not too expensive there. There is Goa near the sea - but there are a lot of tourists, quite noisy, high prices. Gokarna is a much quieter and more comfortable area, which is also located by the sea, the prices are low. Varanasi, Pushkar - these places are suitable for those who are most interested in the culture of India.

Step 2

In India, as such, there is no concept of "residence permit". The right to long-term residence in the country can be obtained only by those who marry a citizen of this country. In this case, a PIO card is first issued - a document that allows you to reside in the country for 15 years, but after 7 years you can try to obtain the citizenship of the country. Not the fact that it will definitely work out. In the past, foreign nationals preferred to “lose” their passports in India, and this worked, but now local authorities have begun to monitor this more closely. It is expected that in the near future India will work out the issue of residence permits more thoroughly.

Step 3

You can live in the country on a student visa. You can apply to any of the local educational institutions. It will send a letter of admission, which will be sufficient justification for the embassy to issue a visa. Also, similar letters can be sent by ashrams, cultural centers, etc. You can simply apply for a tourist visa for 3 months. There is an option of a visa for six months, but getting it is quite difficult. While in the country, you can extend your visa for up to a year. To get the next visa, you do not have to fly to Russia, you can go, for example, to Thailand or Sri Lanka, located nearby.

Step 4

You will need to make money somehow. You can try to transfer to remote work in your company. Large firms often have such vacancies. Also ask around your acquaintances, send your resume to various companies. Ask at a previous job for recommendations like a professional. You can also try to get a job in India, but remember that salaries are very low there.

Step 5

For the first time after moving, prepare as much money as possible. In the very first days, you will face significant expenses related to the search for housing, transportation costs, a lot of money will be spent on various household needs, on the Internet. You can even fall prey to scammers as you don't know the real prices yet. Keep in mind that the local population perceives any foreigner as a very rich person with a wallet full of money.

Step 6

It's good if you have friends or acquaintances in India - ask them to help you get used to a new place. To meet, to give advice about housing, if necessary - all this will seem simply priceless in an unfamiliar country. If there are no friends, then look for the necessary information on the Internet.

Step 7

Think about what you need to take with you everything you need. A laptop, everything you need for work, personal belongings - it is best to make a list, spending a few days on it, during which you can add everything you remember. All kinds of chargers, wires and adapters - don't forget about them. It is cool in India at night, so take some warm clothes with you too: a jacket, pants, a windbreaker.

Step 8

In this tropical country, two languages are most popular: Hindi and English. It's good if you know one of them. If not, then it is useful to work out a little before the trip, as well as purchase a phrasebook so that you can communicate with people.
