What Will Happen To The Resorts Of The Krasnodar Territory

What Will Happen To The Resorts Of The Krasnodar Territory
What Will Happen To The Resorts Of The Krasnodar Territory

In connection with the tragic events that occurred in the Krasnodar Territory in July 2012, which resulted in mass deaths from floods, many residents of Russia are worried about the future of the Kuban resorts. Now, after some time, it is already possible to make a comforting forecast for those who were going to relax on the Black Sea coast.

What will happen to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory
What will happen to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory

Floods accompanied by flooding of houses are not uncommon in the Kuban. They can be caused by floods, tornadoes, or prolonged rainstorms. Since the time that has passed since the previous strong flood, in which the resort territories of the region suffered in August 2002, the administrations of the settlements located on the coast have done a lot of work. During this time, the storm sewage system was reconstructed, the enclosing dams were built, the gutters were cleaned.

The result of this was that in July 2012 the resorts were almost not damaged, the destruction on the territory of settlements was minimal. Unfortunately, it was not possible to avoid human casualties, but in Gelendzhik, for example, they were associated with a tragic accident - a break in the electrical wire. The remaining several deaths on the territory of Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik are caused by negligence, when people chose not to wait out the danger, but went out into the street, where they fell into the hatches open by the stream of water.

The water washed away some of the beaches and those temporary retail outlets that were located next to the sea. Not a single residential building on the territory of resort cities, to which Krymsk does not belong, was damaged. The consequences of the cataclysm on the territory of Gelendzhik were completely eliminated in two days.

Therefore, there is no reason to worry about the future of the Black Sea resorts, because no territory is insured against man-made and natural disasters, no matter where it is located. Hurricane winds and downpours carrying streams of water occur even in Moscow.

For those who, having arrived at the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, found a heavy rain, it is enough to show elementary caution so that the trip does not end in trouble. Just wait out the bad weather, staying in a safe and dry room, do not go outside, especially do not come close to dangerous places - violent streams of water. Do not leave children unattended.

It is enough to wait a maximum of a day - and you will again be able to continue your full-fledged rest in these places, unique in their beauty and variety of landscapes. Do not give up this pleasure - come in the summer to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, which every year are becoming safer and more comfortable.
