Who doesn't like to relax in hot summers or even cold winters? When choosing a vacation spot, many try to go somewhere south. Especially tourists (not only our compatriots) love Egypt.

Egypt is one of the countries that makes very decent money from tourism. This is no coincidence, because this state can offer vacationers a lot of interesting, exciting and useful things. There are several factors that make Egypt a desirable destination for many tourists. The main reasons for this success can be cited.
Nice weather. It's no secret that Egypt is very hot. This weather is ideal for a pleasant stay. Where else can you also tan pleasantly and quickly? Egypt is one of the leaders in this matter.
Sea. Egypt is a country washed by several seas, and therefore beach areas, warm and gentle water and hot sand are indispensable attributes of outdoor recreation. What could be better for a wonderful holiday?
Sights. First of all, these are the famous pyramids and the Sphinx, which tourists love to see so much. They look mesmerizing, which once again diversifies the rest. This is a real find for travelers.
Ancient culture of Egypt. This factor can attract not only and not only warm sea lovers, but also travelers-historians. One can feel the spirit of antiquity in the country.
These are the most important features of Egypt, thanks to which tourists from all over the world try to visit it, if not every summer, then at least once. Undoubtedly, the country has many more advantages, but these are the priorities.