Ryazan is one of the most ancient cities in Russia, which is one of the largest. Many pre-revolutionary houses have survived in the city, but the main attraction is the Kremlin. It is he who attracts tourists more than other architectural monuments and picturesque landscapes of the city.

The Ryazan Kremlin is located on a hill, surrounded by ramparts and ditches. To walk around the Kremlin, you need to go through the cathedral park, and then along the Glebovsky bridge (an architectural monument). In the dark, it is better not to walk because of poor lighting.
Cathedral bell tower - the building of the Kremlin, which tourists see first. It is considered the tallest building in Ryazan and the region; on weekends and holidays, you can hear the bell ringing. The bell tower is considered the tallest building because of the spire, which is a bit like the spire of the Admiralty and the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg. It glows in the sun, so the bell tower is clearly visible from afar.
The Ryazan Kremlin served as a reference point for those who walked along the rivers (Oka and Trubezh). The construction of the bell tower was carried out from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, so it was made in the form of a kind of lighthouse of four tiers and a spire (at this time, navigation along the rivers of the Ryazan province was well developed).

Initially, the Kremlin was surrounded by walls with 12 towers, but they were dismantled due to the fact that they were dilapidated. To the right of the bell tower is a wall with towers, some confuse it with the Kremlin one. In fact, it has nothing to do with the Kremlin, because it is the wall of a male monastery.
It is in the Ryazan Kremlin that the highest iconostasis in Russia is located. It was installed in the Assumption Cathedral (construction was completed in the 17th century, it was repeatedly restored), but it cannot be photographed.

Almost all the buildings of the Kremlin were erected in the 17th century. The Bishops' House is located on the territory, but on some maps it is designated as the Palace of Prince Oleg (the palace has not survived, but the house was built in its place).

It is best to watch the Kremlin from the site of the Assumption Cathedral, all the churches in the Kremlin are active (except for the smallest one, it houses a museum of icons), photography and video filming in buildings is completely prohibited.

The Historical and Architectural Museum of Ryazan is located in the Bishops' House and the Spiritual Building (it will soon move to another building). You can buy a complex ticket for specific expositions, tickets are quite expensive.

Two buildings have survived on the territory of the Kremlin, there is a cafeteria.

Behind the Dukhovsky building is the Cherni hotel, next to it excavations are underway. To the left of the hotel there is a wall with a gate, behind it there is a church. Despite the fact that it is located outside the Kremlin, it belongs to it.

The territory of the Kremlin borders on the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, on its territory it is necessary to behave appropriately. Visitors are asked to follow simple rules, but they are allowed to take photographs.

There are three monasteries in the city, it is believed that one of them was founded by Sergius of Radonezh. It is located in the area of the Moscow highway behind the Ryazan-2 railway station.