The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is, perhaps, at the same time one of the most open to the world of "infidels" and the most closed. This state, which conducts an active foreign policy and welcomes tourists on its land, is in no hurry not only to lift the curtain of internal life, but also in many respects subordinates the visitors to it.

Al-Mamalyakatu al-Arabiyyat al-Saudiyyatu - this is how the name of the kingdom sounds, which among themselves its inhabitants call shortly "al-Saudiya".
Religion as a way of life
Saudi Arabia is a country where Islam is based not on fear, but on an internal understanding of the "word of Allah"; it is located in the very heart of the Islamic world, bordering on Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq, and the Emirates. This is the homeland of the Arab tribes, who, back in 622, after the victorious campaign of the Ottoman Sultan Selim II, adopted Islam as the only possible religion. It was from here that the spread of Islam to the East began, displacing the Jewish faith.
Religious views here are supported by historical facts, it is known for certain that the Prophet Muhammad for many years preached in the territory of the Caliphate, during his time the infidels were expelled from the Hejaz. To this day, the Gentiles are strictly forbidden to live on the territory of sacred Mecca and Medina.
Local residents live according to the "letter of the Koran", there is certainly a judicial power, but it is based on the norms of Sharia. Here they chop off a hand for theft, a head for violence. There is a religious police operating here, which not only monitors Muslims, but also infidels, who are prohibited from performing religious cults on the territory of the country, demonstrating their religious preferences, etc.
Everyday life
Time passes slowly in this country. Arabs are leisurely, they can afford to spend an hour or two in an outdoor cafe, and then go to work. being late for a meeting with a foreigner is also not scary, but a foreigner who is delayed on the way will hardly be forgiven.
Enterprises and shops also have no fixed opening hours, the only exceptions are administrative bodies and gas supply organizations. No one works on Friday - this is the day of prayer.
In stores, you are unlikely to find toys in the form of animals. The Koran believes that they cannot be created, because otherwise a person will try to become like Allah. It's funny, but in cities men are forbidden to walk pets, but women are allowed.
Women of islam
Much has been said about the situation of women in Saudi Arabia, noting their vulnerability and powerlessness. Indeed, a woman is completely subordinate to a man, but this is not as bad as it seems, because she is “entrusted to him by Allah,” which for a true believer means the need to protect her. And men really take care of their women. Especially from prying eyes.
All women are required to cover their heads, hide their faces and wear special clothing outside the home. Each of them has its own "guardian" - an older man who monitors the fidelity of her actions, it is he who decides whether the ward can receive an education, seek medical help, visit public places, etc.
In choosing a husband, girls are not free, they are given out at the age of 10 by prior agreement between the families. It is not necessary for the bride to be at the wedding.
Meanwhile, women work, lead an active life, but, however, only between women. It is forbidden to visit men, sit at the same table with them, and even more so to enter into an argument.
Women are not allowed to have a driver's license, so only men are driving. The bans also apply to foreign women, so it will not be possible to walk around the capital in European dress.