The marinka is a predatory fish of the carp family, found in the rivers and lakes of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, and has several subspecies. Depending on this, it prefers fast-flowing river streams or silted calm-water lakes. It usually stays closer to the bottom, feeds on vegetation, fry and insect larvae. The marinka's meat is very tasty, so it has always been a welcome prey for fishermen. Use different tackle depending on where you are fishing.

Step 1
For fishing in calm streams, flat stretches of rivers and canals, you will need a simple wire rod and a blind or running rig. In reservoirs, fast powerful water and great depths, you need to fish with bottom rods with heavy loads. On small mountain rivers, you will need a light spinning rod, a load of 10-40 g and a long, up to 50-70 cm, leash with a hook No. 6-7. You can also fish with a 5-6 meter rod with a lead tied to the main line with a thinner leash, since when fishing in fast water it can be carried away by the current and often gets stuck between stones. A thin garter will allow you to tear off the lead without any problems without losing the main tackle.
Step 2
The marinka is kept in flocks, so you will have to run well to find a place to stay, especially in the mountains. Go downstream along the river, following the bait next to the large boulders, at the exits from the cauldrons. On flat stretches of rivers, check for areas with a sandy bottom. In winter, it will be easier to find a fishing spot - the marinka is kept on relatively calm water, closer to the bottom. Such places on mountain rivers can be found closer to the mouth.
Step 3
In winter, bites more often occur closer to noon, in summer - at evening and morning dawn. It is especially good to catch marinka during the summer flood. For this, use a float or bottom fishing rod and small, movable lures in the water. In winter, an animal bait is more suitable. As a nozzle, you can use pieces of fish, insects and their larvae, bread crumb. Line thickness 0.25-0.4 mm.
Step 4
Keep in mind that the bite of this fish is characterized by a sharp blow, in the same way a medium-sized pike bites on a spoon. Marina will resist to the last, and after a slight sweep, she will try to huddle under a stone and snuggle to the bottom. In a fast current, the fish swallows the bait deeply, so there is no need to be afraid of the descent, they are quite rare.