Long-distance trains run from the Vitebsk railway station in St. Petersburg to Smolensk and other western Russian cities. International trains are sent to Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Lithuania. From here you can go by train to Pavlovsk, Oredezh, Poselok and Novolisino. Vitebsky railway station is located in one of the central districts of St. Petersburg, so you can get to it in different ways.

- - St. Petersburg metro map;
- - map of St. Petersburg.
Step 1
The lobby of the Pushkinskaya metro station is located near the Vitebsk railway station. This is a transfer station from the first to the fifth line, so you can get either to Pushkinskaya (red line) or to Zvenigorodskaya (lilac line). In the second case, it will be more convenient to climb to "Pushkinskaya", the lobby of which is located next to the station.
Step 2
If you are coming from Pulkovo airport, you can get to Vitebsk railway station in several ways. The most popular is to get to the Moskovskaya metro station (this station is on the blue line), along it to get to the Technological Institute and make a change. Pushkinskaya is the next stop. On Tekhnolozhka you will not have to wander through the underground passages for a long time, you just need to move from one end of the platform to the other. You can also get to the Sennaya Ploschad station, go to Sadovaya and go one stop to Zvenigorodskaya.
Step 3
Another way to get from the airport is to take a minibus going to Kupchino, where there is not only a metro station with that name, but also a railway platform. Get on the train, pass a few stops - and you are there. Electric trains run frequently, but still this method is less convenient than the metro.
Step 4
It is also better to get to Vitebsk from other stations by metro. Moskovsky, Baltic and Finlyandsky are located next to Ploshchad Vosstaniya, Baltiyskaya and Ploshchad Lenina stations, which, like the Pushkinskaya you need, are on the red line, so there is no need to change trains. From the Ladozhskaya station located near the Ladozhskiy railway station, you need to get to Dostoevskaya, go to Vladimirskaya and go one stop. A less convenient option is to move to Spasskaya. You must switch from the blue line to the lilac line, that is, to the Sadovaya station. The next station on the fifth line will be the Zvenigorodskaya station you need.
Step 5
As for public transport, buses, trolleybuses or trams running along Zagorodny Prospekt will suit you. These are buses No. 7, 24, 26, 65, 76, 91, 141, trolleybuses No. 3, 8, 15, 17, trams No. 14 and 16. In addition, several fixed-route taxis approach the station - No. K25, K90, K124, K177, K258, K338.
Step 6
You can also get to the station by car, although this is not the most convenient way due to almost constant traffic jams. In any case, whether you are driving through the Central or Admiralteisky districts, you need to go to the even side of Zagorodny Prospekt. The address of the Vitebsk railway station is Zagorodny, 52.