Highway 66 In The USA: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Highway 66 In The USA: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address
Highway 66 In The USA: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Traveling to the USA is a dream come true for many. The states are attracted not only by popular attractions, including Disneyland, the Statue of Liberty or Hollywood film studios. The most vivid impressions of America can be obtained by driving across the country along the famous Route 66.

Legendary Route 66
Legendary Route 66

Route 66: history and legends

Oddly enough, it is believed that the legendary track officially ceased to exist in the 80s of the last century. But it stopped only in a practical sense. Over the years, road construction in the United States has developed at an incredible pace and new highways and interchanges have been built around key American cities. However, the legendary Route 66 continues to be used as a landmark road: inconvenient and complex in nature, but so necessary for those who want to touch the real American history.

The most iconic American route begins in Chicago and leads to Los Angeles, crossing eight states. It was along this road that, almost a century ago, thousands of farmers, artisans and traders moved to California in search of money jobs and a better life. In those days, the incredibly long 4,000 km of paths were full of dangers - from sandstorms and deadly drought to daring robberies and animal attacks. That is why there are so many legends around Route 66. Old-timers will tell you about ghosts, secret burials in the surrounding areas, and mysterious soul snatchers. However, even if you do not run into the supernatural along the way, you will still see a lot of interesting things around.

Attractions US 66

  1. Colored Desert (Arizona). It is in this place that you can see multi-colored "layered" hills, purple dust and pink fog.
  2. The ghost towns of Newkirk, Siberia, Bodie and others. Abandoned cities are an absolute must-see for those who want to experience the true spirit of America in the middle of the last century. These places force travelers to deviate from the intended traffic pattern and linger for a long time inside the cities in order to walk along their streets and examine in detail all that remains of former times.
  3. Grand Canyon. It is one of the most famous landmarks in North America and has several tourist locations, each of which offers completely different views of the Canyon. Highway 66 is one of the paths leading to this unique location.
  4. Suicide Bridge, Street Bridge, California. Immediately after its construction, this bridge became the ideal place to end your life. Years later, the bridge was modernized and surrounded by a high mesh. However, according to eyewitnesses, until now, standing on this bridge, you can hear the groans of the dead, reaching from the depths of the canyon.
  5. Abandoned Cars Cemetery (Cadillac Ranch, Texas) - This amazing place has long been transformed into an open-air museum. Hundreds of cars dotted with colorful graffiti look more like a unique exhibition in the middle of the desert.

However, major sights are only one component of the route along Route 66. On the way, the traveler will find dozens of the most picturesque places - from typical roadside cafes to authentic gas stations, familiar to everyone from childhood from cult American films. There are so many interesting things on the legendary track that many people want to return there again and again.
