Those people who rarely use the services of airlines or are going to fly on an airplane for the first time worry about how not to make a mistake in choosing a flight. Especially if the flight will take many hours and is rather tiring. After all, you want to get good, comfortable seats and excellent service for your money. Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances, but some information about the specifics of choosing aircraft will not hurt you.

Step 1
First you need to decide which flight you are going to fly - regular or charter. There is a big difference between the two. Regular flights operate on schedule, even if there are few passengers on the plane. Tickets for them can be purchased in advance. Moreover, a variety of discounts and different tariffs are possible.
Step 2
Charter flights are operated by planes booked by travel companies. They can change the flight schedule and are often delayed because get permission to fly in between departures of regular flights. On flights that are not considered elite, there is not much variety in food, drink and other services. But the advantages of this kind of flights include the relative cheapness of tickets and departure to places where there are no regular routes.
Step 3
You can make the choice of the optimal flight knowing what these or those letters mean on the aircraft schedule. These will help you determine what kind of service is provided during the flight. On the plane with the letter P, you will be served at the highest level (satellite phones, berths, individual monitors, etc.). F is the first class; A - too, but discounts are possible here. J, C, D stand for Business Class (Superior, Regular and Discount). The letter W is assigned to the improved economy class. Usually, in this case, a greater distance between the rows of seats is assumed. K, S is an economy class with a fixed fare. Letters B, H, L, M, Q, T, V, Y are assigned to economy classes with discounts. By letters or pictures, you can also determine the type of food on board. B - breakfast; L, D - lunch and dinner; S - cold snacks, X - multiple meals.
Step 4
Comfort and level of service largely determine the price of the flight. In addition, you will find yourself in the most advantageous position if you plan your flight in advance and book your ticket. True, some companies cut prices on the day of the flight. But there is no guarantee that if you delay to the last, you will be able to buy a ticket, because they can be taken apart earlier.
Step 5
There are different ways to choose the seat on the plane that is most convenient for you. Firstly, there are booklets with cabin layout diagrams for one or another airline aircraft. Secondly, you can ask for the layout of the cabin at the ticket office where you will buy your ticket. And, finally, there are websites on the Internet that contain information about the pros and cons of each seat on planes of all firms and brands. Having received the information you are interested in, you can buy a ticket in person at the ticket office or use the online check-in option with seat selection.
Step 6
The choice of location depends on your preference and health condition. If you want to sleep on the plane, choose a place where you will not be disturbed - against the wall. If you are seasick, you will be most comfortable at the wing. It is most convenient to smoke or go to the toilet without disturbing other passengers by having a seat near the aisle. A tall person should buy a seat at the emergency exit, where the greatest free distance is ahead. A traveler with a child should choose a seat at the beginning of the cabin. Whether there will be a porthole next to you, and what can be seen from it during the flight, you can determine if you look at the layout of the seats.
Step 7
If you bought a ticket for a seat, but it turned out to be inconvenient for you, then if there are free seats in the cabin, you can ask the stewardess to transfer you. Most often, such requests are granted.