Where Is The Bermuda Triangle Located?

Where Is The Bermuda Triangle Located?
Where Is The Bermuda Triangle Located?

Perhaps no other area on the world map is covered with so many myths and legends as the Bermuda Triangle. It is in this area that ships and aircraft go missing, and sometimes vehicles are left by the team for no apparent reason, and the crew itself seems to evaporate without transmitting a signal for help.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?
Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?

What is the Bermuda Triangle

At all times, navigation was associated with risks and dangers, but until the twentieth century, global statistics of wrecks were not kept due to imperfect communications. Now, every incident on the water or in the air becomes known to the whole world. It was in the twentieth century that people noticed that more wrecks and mysterious disappearances of ships are happening in some areas of the world's oceans. And with the development of commercial aviation, these assumptions were confirmed - it was in such zones that aircraft could not get in touch, their electronics or engines failed. The most famous such "spot" on our planet is the Bermuda Triangle, but you should not think that every ship that gets into these waters will necessarily sink. In addition, there are cases of data falsification and statistics "pulling up" to the value of indicators necessary to generate increased interest in this area on the globe.

The phrase "Bermuda Triangle" appeared only in the middle of the twentieth century. There is also an anomalous zone in the Pacific Ocean, it is called the "sea of the devil".

Bermuda Triangle on world map

The anomalous zone, in which the crashes and disappearances of aircraft and ships often occur, is enclosed in a simple geometric figure - a triangle, the vertices of which are specific objects. Of course, there are no boundaries of this area on the water and in the air, they are very conditional, because they were invented by man. To find the Bermuda Triangle on a map, you need to turn your gaze to the western hemisphere and find the vertices of the figure. The first is Miami in the US state of Florida. Finding a city is not difficult - on the east coast of the United States there is a peninsula, almost at its most remote point from the mainland and this metropolis is located. The second peak is Puerto Rico, or rather the capital of this state, San Juan, located southeast of Miami. And finally, the third point of the anomalous zone is Bermuda, about 900 km east of the United States. There are more than 150 of them, and they are very small, so you can choose an approximate geometric center. If you connect these vertices, you get a zone called the Bermuda Triangle.

This area is a rather difficult place from a geographic point of view. There are many shoals here, cyclones are often formed in the Caribbean Sea, storms are not uncommon.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

What happens to ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle? Currently, there are many versions regarding the fate of people and transport, but the most common are alien abductions and time travel through a portal opening in this region of the Atlantic Ocean. However, supporters of a scientific explanation are also working on this problem and believe that methane gas rising from the bottom of the sea is to blame for everything, and if not it, then giant wandering waves or infrasound. All these versions have not been confirmed, but they have a right to exist, and the real answer to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is not yet known.
