The Ukrainian city of Pripyat became infamous after the atomic disaster in Chernobyl. This abandoned city is considered one of the most popular destinations for adventure tourism enthusiasts.

Step 1
Pripyat is located three kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until April 1986, approximately 50 thousand people lived here. After the atomic disaster, the population of the town was evicted, as it turned out, forever. The city died out.
Step 2
Until the fateful spring of 1986, Pripyat was considered one of the most prosperous cities in Ukraine. Spacious streets, wide roads, a large stadium and architecture in the best Soviet traditions. Urban construction was carried out using the latest technological achievements of the Soviet era. The peculiarity of the city is that its appearance does not change over time, it remains the same as it was 28 years ago.
Step 3
When designing Pripyat, the unique principle of triangular building was used, created by the capital's architect Nikolai Ostozhenko.
Step 4
"Triangular development" is distinguished by the connection of buildings of standard number of storeys and high-rise buildings, as well as the presence of free space between buildings.
Step 5
The Soviet government spared no expense for the improvement of the "city of atomic workers". Its development was carried out in a completely different way than in other cities of the Union. The most talented engineering projects were embodied in the appearance of the city. All buildings look like a single, organic architectural ensemble. This is due to the fact that the buildings in Pripyat were erected almost simultaneously, which made it possible to avoid the appearance of random, variegated buildings.
Step 6
At the same time, city streets are not faceless at all. Here you can see both the usual panel high-rise buildings, and sixteen-story high-rise buildings with the emblems of the USSR on the roofs, towering grandiosely over the city. Residential buildings in Pripyat were built thoroughly. High ceilings, spacious rooms and balconies. An architectural landmark is the Prometheus cinema, which consists of two giant rectangles, a large and a smaller one, perched one on top of the other.
Step 7
Until 1986, the Energetik Palace of Culture, a cinema for 1200 visitors, a children's art school, were opened in the city, stadiums and sports grounds were opened, there was even a dance school for adults on the outskirts, in a word, all those infrastructure facilities that were characteristic of the country of the Soviets.