Long flights are handled by people in different ways. Some are without problems on board the aircraft for several hours even without entertainment, while for others an hour of flight may seem like hard labor. The second category of people can be advised to plan their time on board in advance.

Eating and drinking
It is necessary to prepare for a long flight in advance (at least a day in advance). This applies not only to the collection of suitcases, but also to food. Before traveling, it is advisable to give up fatty and salty foods. This is due to the fact that with a simultaneous load on the stomach and vestibular apparatus, the body may simply not be able to cope, presenting an unpleasant surprise.
During the flight, the body needs to drink plenty of fluids. There is no need to deny him this. Tomato juice is popular on airplanes, as in the sky it does not change its usual taste, unlike other food products.
It is not recommended to take alcohol during the flight, since at an altitude of several thousand kilometers the hangover will be aggravated by a mass of new unpleasant sensations. It is worth giving up coffee and tea. Firstly, their taste on airplanes leaves much to be desired, and secondly, they exacerbate dehydration.
Ways to spend time during the flight
One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to spend your time on a flight is to sleep. Those who find it difficult to fall asleep in transport can be advised to drink a cup of soothing tea or, in extreme cases, a glass of wine. Earplugs, blindfolds, inflatable pillows, blankets contribute to the creation of comfort.
The flight will not seem long if this time is spent profitably. You can do things that are constantly postponed for later. This can be reading a useful book, parsing photos, mail, etc.
In most cases, long flights are associated with a visit to an unfamiliar country. It is extremely useful to familiarize yourself with the customs of this territory and learn at least a few phrases in a foreign language. This will provide an opportunity to demonstrate good manners and make friends with the local population.
The neighbors in the chair can brighten up the flight, and perhaps even share useful knowledge. Of course, it is possible that a taciturn or tediously chatty person may be caught, but most often during the flight, people try to maintain a pleasant and informative conversation.
During the flight, you can read your favorite authors or study a travel guide. For this, not only printed editions are suitable, but also an electronic version. In the case of using a tablet or laptop, it is important not to forget to upload the necessary information at home.
You can watch movies on a long flight. If the programs offered by the video panels on board the aircraft do not suit you, you can watch your own collection, downloaded to your laptop. It is important to have a fully charged battery and headphones here so as not to disturb your neighbors.
Alternatively, during the flight, you can solve crosswords, Sudoku or play checkers with a neighbor. Do not forget that at different heights you can take simply amazing pictures for memory.