How To Read A Person In Poses And Gestures

How To Read A Person In Poses And Gestures
How To Read A Person In Poses And Gestures

Table of contents:


The ability to control oneself is instilled in every person from early childhood, but often even adults do not always succeed. The brightest emotions can be expressed in words and facial expressions, so a person tries to control them. We have no idea that not only direct words can give us away, but also indirect signs - gestures and postures. We do not know how to control them at all, so an experienced psychologist will always be able to recognize and read a person by postures and gestures.

How to read a person in poses and gestures
How to read a person in poses and gestures


Step 1

Aggression of a person and the desire to defend his position to the end will be given out by the posture when he sits or stands, leaning forward with his body and akimbo or putting his thumbs behind his belt or in his pockets. This can be evidenced by a slight tilt of the head back and clenched hands. Willingness to move to aggressive actions will be the pinching of the skin of the palms.

Step 2

Confidence in his righteousness and superiority over others is demonstrated by a person with a high head and a slightly protruding chin. Hands thrown behind the head with widely spaced elbows will tell about the same feelings. If your interlocutor is sitting at the table with the tips of his fingers connected, but not touching his palms, then this gesture can also indicate that he is confident in himself.

Step 3

A standing posture with support on a table or chair, or a pronounced desire to lean on something, will be a signal that your partner does not feel contact with you, feels the unpleasantness of the moment and the desire to change the topic, since the conversation is unpleasant for him. Negative attitude and frustration will show the observer the listener's fingers clasped in front of his face.

Step 4

His skepticism and distrust, the desire to lie, the interlocutor will demonstrate by crossing his arms and legs, covering his mouth with his hand at the time of the conversation, an involuntary gesture will also say this when he starts scratching his nose or rubbing his eyelid with his finger, as well as other parts - the forehead, the back of the head, and the ear. It can also be embarrassing.

Step 5

Open palms, hands lying freely on the surface of the table, an unbuttoned jacket will signal trust and a desire to contact from your interlocutor. Tilting your head to the side indicates interest in you and your words.

Step 6

If a person began to fidget in a chair or moved to its edge, his legs are in a position where the socks are directed towards the exit, they speak of anxiety and a desire to stop talking and leave the room as quickly as possible.

Step 7

For someone who can read body language, a sharp jump will indicate a desire to speak out, voice the decision, and stroking the chin - that the interlocutor is in thought and ponders the proposal.
