Solonchak Lake Uyuni

Solonchak Lake Uyuni
Solonchak Lake Uyuni

On the Altiplano desert plain in Bolivia, there is the largest dried salt lake on the planet, called the Uyuni Salt Flats. During the rainy season, the miracle of nature is covered with a small layer of water and resembles a huge mirror with an area of 10,500 square meters. km.

Solonchak Lake Uyuni
Solonchak Lake Uyuni

To see firsthand the endless expanses of salt formations, numerous crowds of curious tourists come here every year who want to see this extraordinary wonder of the world.

Everyone dreams of seeing an incredibly beautiful landscape. It is truly a delightful sight, and is also the most common location on earth. Salt has always been mined at the bottom of the oldest lake. So today, there is so much of it here that it will last for several million years. The thickness of the salt cover is 2–10 meters.

Local residents use Uyuni salt not only for food purposes, but also make souvenirs from it, build houses and equip various premises. The salt marsh is surrounded by numerous salt block hotels that were built here in the 90s. Furniture and other items are also made with salt.

The lake is practically devoid of vegetation, the only exceptions are cacti, which grow to gigantic sizes. In late autumn, South American flamingos, Andean geese and coots flock to the salt pond. In some surroundings, foxes and small rodents can be found.

There are many amazing sights on Earth, and one of them is Lake Uyuni.