How To Make A Shelter

How To Make A Shelter
How To Make A Shelter

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The life of a person, for some reason forced to be in the forest for a long time, often depends on how correctly he makes a shelter. Almost everyone is capable of building an emergency bivouac in the warm season. If you find yourself in more often in winter, you are sure that it is almost impossible to escape from the wind and cold. This is not the case: a shelter can be built from snow, it will perfectly protect from bad weather and will not freeze.

How to make a shelter
How to make a shelter


  • - a shovel or any improvised means for excavating snow;
  • - spruce branches;
  • - poles;
  • - fabric, raincoat or polyethylene;
  • - matches or a lighter;
  • - candle.


Step 1

Dig a trench in the snow at least 1.5 meters deep. You can dig not only with a shovel. If it is not at hand, skis, a bowler hat, pieces of plywood, and other materials at hand will do. If there is nothing at all to rake the snow, you can gouge a hole in it with your feet. The best shape is slightly round or cone-shaped, in which the heat will remain longer.

Step 2

When the trench or pit is ready, make a ceiling. To do this, put poles or skis, sticks on top, and on them - cloth or polyethylene, a raincoat, etc. At the edges, press the "roof" with stones, blocks of ice, logs or blocks of snow. If there are trees nearby, you can cover the trench with spruce branches. If there is nothing to cut off the branches, you can dig a hole under the tree, then its lower branches hanging to the ground will serve as a roof. In this case, spruce branches must also be sprinkled with snow on top - you get a hut-cone.

Step 3

Make a small fire or light a candle inside the shelter. Even if outside the air temperature reaches 30-40 ° C, you will soon have 0 ° in the pit. In addition, the fire will melt the walls of the bivouac, an ice crust will form, as a result, the structure will be more durable. If cracks form in the walls, they must be covered with snow.

Step 4

In such a shelter, the warmer, the stronger the frost outside. It is best kept warm in a small hole or trench. In shelters of this type, there is a danger of being poisoned by carbon monoxide, which accumulates inside, when starting a fire. Because there is no ventilation. Therefore, carefully monitor your well-being: if it hurts, then there is too much carbon monoxide, you need to release it by lifting the edge of the roof from spruce branches or fabric.

Step 5

If the outside air temperature rises, the snow inside the shelter may begin to melt, water will drip from the walls and ceiling, forming puddles on the floor. In order not to get wet, it is necessary to foresee the possibility of such a situation in advance and make a couch on a small elevation, as well as remove excess warm clothes: in this case, you will have a dry shift.
