All Roads Lead To Lazio

All Roads Lead To Lazio
All Roads Lead To Lazio

Lazio is a region of Italy, Rome is considered its capital. Here you can see the Colosseum, the Pantheon, go for the world's best white wine and taste delicious strawberries.


The miracle of human hands - the Pantheon. After the temple of the gods suffered from a fire in 118, it was rebuilt for a long time by order of the emperor Hadrian. The dome of the Pantheon is 45 meters in diameter, it is a real masterpiece of art that does not have a single support. Also, the temple is considered the tomb of Raphael. The building is located in Piazza Navona.


Coliseum. Huge tribunes for bloodthirsty performances. The famous place where mighty gladiators fought. The Colosseum is a symbol of Italy and is depicted on all possible postcards. Its stands could accommodate 50 thousand watching the battles. At that time, these are unthinkable areas. To enter this historic building, you need to buy a ticket, it is valid for 24 hours. With this ticket, you will also be able to view the Imperial Forum.


The most beautiful Trevi fountain. Of course, there are many fountains in Rome, but this one is the most beautiful and famous. He is known due to the fact that many directors include him in the scripts of their films. And also because if you throw a coin in Trevi, you will return to Rome again, if you throw 2 coins, you can meet an Italian, and if you leave 3 in the fountain at all, you will get a quick wedding. And imagine, because of the constant crowd of tourists, Trevi earns about 11 thousand euros a week.
