How To Spend Your Summer Profitably Without Overloading Your Brain?

How To Spend Your Summer Profitably Without Overloading Your Brain?
How To Spend Your Summer Profitably Without Overloading Your Brain?

It is believed that summer is a time for relaxation with minimal stress on the brain. This belief has been formed since school: from September to May, everyone studies diligently, and in the summer they forget what they learned in the previous 9 months.

How to spend your summer profitably without overloading your brain?
How to spend your summer profitably without overloading your brain?

But what is quite normal during school years is not normal for adults. When work is superimposed on the "summer rest of the brain", the phrase "false rest" appears. Its meaning lies in the fact that during the summer vacation, a person tries to "turn off the brain", doing idleness. And for this he is tormented by his conscience: "While I am here watching the series, my mailbox is full of letters."

This feeling of unfulfilled duty gnaws at a person, and instead of rest, stress appears.

So how should you rest so that your conscience does not torment?

It's very simple - you need to develop yourself. Art, language learning, sports … You just need to choose what you like.

If you devote yourself at least half an hour a day to learning, the brain registers a "useful action" and a person has a "sense of accomplishment."

It remains to dispel the myth that recreation and development are two different things. Making this one is very simple.

First, you need to realize the fact that summer is not a reason to turn off your brain and do nothing.

Second, take action. If it is difficult, for example, to read books for 30 minutes, you can start with 10. Then gradually increase the load. The main thing is to do it every day, then the desire will become a habit.

Third, the application of knowledge. Yes, reading books is wonderful. But to get complete satisfaction, you need to learn how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.
