Before traveling to France, you need to explore all the most interesting cities, as there are so many of them. Cities in the west of the country will become very interesting for travelers, where tourists from different countries go with great pleasure every year.

Nantes is the second largest river port in France. Among the sights of the city, the castle of the Breton dukes is especially popular. Many centuries ago, the castle was the seat of the dukes of Brittany. Today, the castle grounds are considered to be the best historical museum in France. There is also a Museum of Applied Arts, where you can see the clothes, furniture and armor of the medieval Bretons.
Nantes is also known for the fact that the writer Jules Verne was born and spent his childhood there. There is a museum in the city, where various documents and first editions of the writer are presented.
The Gothic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul is a symbol of Nantes. A white limestone temple with a simple façade but opulent interior decoration. The Duke of Brittany and his wife are buried in the temple.
It will also be interesting to look into the Museum of Good and the Museum of Fine Arts.

La Rochelle
The main attraction of the city is the old port, where the defensive towers erected in the XIV century have been preserved. Not far away are the old gates, of which only an exquisite dome and arch have survived. After passing through the gate, you find yourself on the largest shopping street in the city. Here you can see preserved medieval houses and old mansions of the 17th-18th centuries. It will be interesting to visit the Cathedral and the house of Henry II.

For more than two thousand years, the main field of activity of this region has been winemaking. Bordeaux is famous for its wines, but besides this, there are also interesting places for the eye of the traveler.
The Basilica of the Archangel Michael and the Basilica of Saint Serin, which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, are often visited in Bordeaux. On the Exchange Square you can look into the Customs Museum. It is interesting to visit the largest cathedral in Bordeaux - the Cathedral of St. Andrew the First-Called. Worth seeing are the Rogan Palace, Cayo Gate, Burgundy Gate, Bordeaux Park, Public Park and Victory Square with a 17th century triumphal arch and pink marble column.

Po (Pau)
Po in translation means hedge. Initially, a fortress was located on the site of the city to control the ford across the Gav de Pau river.
Today Po is a well-known health resort in Western Europe. The main attraction of this cozy French town is the Pyrenees Boulevard. It connects Beaumont Park and Po Castle. The boulevard offers an unusual view of the Pyrenees. The boulevard is located at the top of the ravine, at the bottom there is a railway station. There is a funicular to the station from the boulevard.