What Is Modern Germany Like?

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What Is Modern Germany Like?
What Is Modern Germany Like?

Video: What Is Modern Germany Like?

Video: What Is Modern Germany Like?
Video: 10 Reasons You will Never Leave Germany 2024, December

Modern Germany is one of the most highly developed economically, politically and culturally countries in Central Europe. Its population is more than 80 million people. As a result of the unification of West and East Germany, the state includes 16 federal states. Germans love their homeland very much and reliably protect its cultural heritage.

What is modern Germany like?
What is modern Germany like?


Step 1

The capital of Germany is Berlin - one of the largest cities in modern Europe. Such famous sights as the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate are considered its trademark. The Berlin Cathedral, which is the main cathedral of the city, is also widely known.

Step 2

Modern Germany is one of the richest, most prosperous and comfortable countries for life. For a long time, she did not experience any economic and political upheavals. Although Germany gained notoriety in the past for initiating a number of wars, its current policy has changed so much that the country has become a peaceful state with a highly developed democracy.

Step 3

Germany is a socially oriented state. Social assistance is guaranteed to representatives of the poor, as well as those who have special services to the state. Every German citizen has health insurance, which includes relatively inexpensive medical care and a discount on the purchase of medicines. The minimum income of a resident of the country is health insurance, the amount required to pay for housing, and a strictly defined amount for living.

Step 4

Germany has a highly developed industry. It is one of the largest exporters of specialized equipment, vehicles and chemical products. All over the world, traditional light industry products such as toys and porcelain are appreciated.

Step 5

Agriculture in Germany has reached a high level of development, the basis of which is made up of numerous farms. Its main industries are pig and dairy farming. Various types of grain crops, fruits and vegetables are grown in the country.

Step 6

In many countries around the world, there is a misconception about the Germans as dry, pedantic, devoid of a sense of humor. In fact, they are very fond of fun and holidays, the most popular of which are the Cologne Carnival, which takes place on the eve of Lent, and the famous Munich Oktoberfest, the main components of which are beer with pretzels, a brass band and a warm company.

Step 7

Like any country, Germany has its own problems. One of the most important in recent years has become the demographic situation, characterized by a significant reduction in the share of the indigenous German population. Unfortunately, this prosperous country was also affected by the common problem of low fertility in modern Europe. Thus, the German nation is aging rapidly.
