How To Have Fun While Flying

How To Have Fun While Flying
How To Have Fun While Flying

Flying by plane is a fast and safe way to get anywhere in the world. But not all passengers experience pleasure during the flight. Many are simply afraid to fly.

Nice view from the porthole
Nice view from the porthole

Many people do not like to fly in airplanes. There are those who truly fear a plane crash. And there is a category of people who prefer other types of transportation - trains or cars. But this kind of transport has one big drawback - it is difficult to travel long distances. Therefore, such tourists have to travel mainly to the cities of Russia and Europe. But I want to see the ocean and other countries.

Flying by plane is a fast and safe way to get anywhere in the world. And what a pleasure it is to watch the clouds and diminishing objects on the ground through the porthole.

If the flight falls on night hours, then it becomes possible to meet the dawn. Believe me, it costs a lot, and besides, you get amazing shots of the rising sun.

How can you enjoy the flight?

  • When buying an air ticket, try to choose Boeings, if this is not possible, then take an airbus ticket.
  • Regular flights are better than charter flights not only in terms of service, but also safety.
  • Comfortable seats are in the front and middle parts of the aircraft (there is less motion sickness). But keep in mind that passengers with children can sit in front, so you won't always be able to sleep peacefully.
  • If you like to photograph, then stunning shots are obtained in places that are located "on the wings" of the plane.
  • During the flight, do not forget to drink water, as the body is experiencing strong overloads at this time, moreover, there is minimal humidity in the plane.
  • If you figure out what to do with yourself, then the flight will go much faster: you can watch movies, read books, play a tablet, and finally, just sleep. Many passengers prefer to sleep and can do so throughout the journey.
  • Earplugs and an eye mask are a great way to detach yourself from your surroundings and retreat with your thoughts.

Good flights and soft landings!
