Fanagoria: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Fanagoria: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address
Fanagoria: Description, History, Excursions, Exact Address

Greek gods, mysterious ships, untold treasures - what do they and a small Krasnodar village have in common? It turns out that the ancient Greek city of Phanagoria was very close to it for a very long time.

Fanagoria: description, history, excursions, exact address
Fanagoria: description, history, excursions, exact address

Now it is a place of archaeological excavations, research by various scientists, as well as a place of pilgrimage for tourists who adore "semi-wild" rest and contact with living ancient history.

This place is amazing - there is sea and sand, fertile land and pine trees, the ruins of an ancient city and a modern scientific center. And also - a winery, which produces more than 30 varieties of grape wine.

Phanagoria is called the Russian Atlantis, because a third of the territory of the ancient city is flooded by the advancing sea. Therefore, archaeologists are excavating on the ground, and also find various antiquities on the muddy bottom of the sea.

Tourists can also find ancient dishes or coins literally under their feet, because scientists have covered only 2% of the ancient city from 900 hectares to be explored. He is buried under a seven-meter layer of earth, such work requires a lot of time and effort.

Therefore, Phanagoria was placed in the "Russian Book of Records" as the largest monument of the ancient era in Russia.

The history of Phanagoria

This amazing city was founded around 500 BC. It was the richest place with fertile soils, on which the best wheat in the district grew, which the Phanagorians traded not only on their peninsula, but also on foreign lands.

The city within the framework of that civilization was very advanced: there were temples, squares, a pier, sewerage and water supply. The dwellings were similar in layout to our modern ones, only they were made of stone.

Phanagoria is a mystery city. Archaeologists noticed that in completely whole houses there is no belongings: dishes, household items. This means that people took their belongings and left the city, although there is no such information in the historical literature and books of ancient historians.

What to do in Phanagoria

Lovers of history can come to the library and get acquainted with the past of this region, in the museum you can see the latest finds of archaeologists - the weapons of the ancient Fantagorians, household items and jewelry.

You can also meet scientists at the Phanagoria Science Center and try to go to the excavations with them.

There are sandy beaches and a warm sea, and you can choose - Black or Azov. However, the rest here is not suitable for those who are used to five-star apartments. There are hotels and guest houses for a wide variety of wallets - starting from 200 rubles per day.

There is one more attraction here - the largest winery in Taman, Fanagoria, which invites tourists to tastings. Especially liked by tasters, according to reviews, jojoba tincture is a local balm. It is prepared according to ancient Greek recipes and stored in amphorae, which are exact copies of antique dishes.

Krasnodar Territory, Temryuk district, Sennoy village. Travel to the place by bus or minibus from any city.
