How Dangerous Is Turbulence For Aircraft And Passengers?

How Dangerous Is Turbulence For Aircraft And Passengers?
How Dangerous Is Turbulence For Aircraft And Passengers?

Turbulence is one of the most common natural phenomena encountered during flight. Despite the fact that this problem is not serious and does not pose a great danger, many are very much afraid of the turbulence zone.

How dangerous is turbulence for aircraft and passengers?
How dangerous is turbulence for aircraft and passengers?

Turbulence can scare even seasoned air travelers. Indeed, when everything inside the cabin starts to shake, it is difficult to remain calm and not remember the terrible plane crashes that, alas, periodically happen. To understand how safe turbulence is (or, as professionals call it - "bumpiness"), it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why does turbulence occur?

The emergence of turbulence is based on a complex interaction of natural processes. Changes in pressure, wind speed and direction - each of these factors separately, or their mutual influence and can provoke "bumpiness". This can happen in an absolutely clear sky: the plane can simply fall under the influence of air currents of different directions and undergo certain vibrations. However, many believe that "bumpiness" occurs most often in bad weather, but they are only partly right. Indeed, during the passage of thunderclouds, this phenomenon may take place, but this is not at all necessary. Strong gusts of wind have a similar effect, although for large aircraft used for civil aviation, even strong wind speeds are not at risk.

Turbulence often occurs when passing through cumulus clouds, especially if the area of their location is quite protracted. However, accumulations of cumulus clouds are easily tracked by a locator, so the pilot always has the opportunity to bypass this area.

Turbulence is not considered an abnormal situation, since it occurs almost during every flight. The pilots may not even pay attention to the "bumpiness" of an average degree and are unlikely to admit deviations from the course. It is more likely that an emergency landing can happen due to an abnormal situation on board, rather than due to even the most severe air fluctuations.

Modern aircraft are equipped with special sensors that help "anticipate" turbulence and assess the situation in advance. As a rule, when it comes to short flights (3-4 hours), the meteorological conditions on the route are known, and there can be no cardinal weather surprises. With long flights, it is almost the same: only slight deviations from the forecast can be observed. There is also a way out of this situation. As you know, pilots are always in touch with each other and with dispatchers, therefore, they also learn about changes in weather conditions in advance. If on any part of the route the weather changes significantly in a suffocating direction, the pilot may decide to go off course a little. this happens extremely rarely: in practice, only a few such situations are known.

Why turbulence is dangerous for a passenger

It is believed that the turbulence cannot cause any harm to the aircraft passenger. However, there are exceptions when a given flight situation can backfire.

  1. In the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, turbulence can cause deterioration.
  2. Women should be especially careful in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. During this period, flights are generally considered dangerous only in the presence of pathologies, while during turbulence, the critical condition may worsen.
  3. Any uncomfortable passenger feeling can worsen during the turbulence, especially if it lasts for a long time. Nausea, dizziness, excessive nervousness - these and other symptoms may appear during the period of passing the turbulence zone.

However, all of the above are only potential dangers that may not take place at all. However, the main recommendation of aviation specialists is to sit and hold on tight, since the main risk of turbulence is injury inside the cabin. Passengers can simply underestimate the amplitude of the side's vibrations, so there are many cases in history when people hit something or even fell during strong jolts.

Can a plane crash during turbulence?

Most passengers during turbulence are not afraid at all of a worsening of their condition and other symptoms. The main risk is a plane crash. Inside the cabin it really may seem that everything around is bursting, rattling and falling apart. In fact, any aircraft is capable of withstanding enormous loads, which can be much higher than those that occur during turbulence.

The wings of an aircraft have a certain mobility, which makes them more resistant to fluctuations in air currents. The structure of a modern aircraft is designed in this way. that in theory it can take off at right angles to the horizon, so no air movement can violate its integrity. In the history of civil aviation, there are no cases of a plane crashing due to turbulence. The only exceptions are those catastrophes when the "bumpiness" was accompanied by human errors. For example, if the pilot for some reason deviated from the set course, or there was a certain breakdown in the plane that was not detected before takeoff. Such accidents took place only at the beginning and middle of the last century, when aviation was at a completely different level. In addition, over the years, many flight standards have changed, excluding such incidents.

The main reason why nothing can happen to an aircraft during turbulence is accurate flight planning. Meteorological conditions are not at all a surprise to specialists, therefore, if there are actually problems with weather that threaten safety on the route, the flight will not be dispatched.

How to handle turbulence

The most important rule is to remain calm. You must understand that this is an absolutely normal situation for an airplane that occurs on almost every flight. Pay attention to the crew: as a rule, when there is a strong "bumpiness" the flight attendants sit in their seats and buckle up, while maintaining a completely imperturbable and even bored look. Moreover, with moderate turbulence, the crew may not even suspend their work.

  1. Get in your seat and fasten your seat belts. Close the folding table, or at least try to remove from it everything that can crumble, spill, fall.
  2. Help your child lock into the chair. If you have small children with you, additionally support them with your hands. During turbulence, the plane may wobble and shake even more than when landing, so the child may hit the seats or walls in front.
  3. Try not to read or watch photos / videos. If your gaze focuses on text or an image, you may feel dizzy while shaking.
  4. Close your eyes and relax while the turbulence ends.
  5. If you are too nervous, and even more so - suffer from aerophobia, it is advisable to take a sedative in advance so that the turbulence does not catch you by surprise. If your neighbors or loved ones are nearby, try to calm them down by explaining that this phenomenon does not pose any danger.
