How To Make A Vacation Plan

How To Make A Vacation Plan
How To Make A Vacation Plan

Planning your vacation and summer vacation needs to be done carefully and in a relaxed environment. It is better to do this on a weekend, with a cup of coffee or tea, in silence, without prompts and advice. That is, alone. Even if you are planning a vacation or a trip somewhere with the whole family, make the "sketches" yourself, and then discuss them with the whole "team".

How to make a vacation plan
How to make a vacation plan

In order for a vacation to become a rest, and not a hassle, it must be planned in advance. Surprises are great, but only if they are pleasant, right? If you have an exact plan of how to spend your vacation, then you will no longer need to rack your brains over everyday trifles and "current" moments.


Every working citizen has the right to rest - vacation. And at that time of the year when he wishes it! Does your employer not know this? Present him with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and write an application for a vacation! Just do not risk it if there is at least one applicant for your place. Unfortunately, in our time, the conditions are often dictated by the employer.

In many organizations, it is the practice of scheduling the sequence of employees for leave. It is impossible to neglect the opinion and unanimity of the team, but the team is people, and you can negotiate with people. That is why we are given the ability to speak, so that we are listened to and can express our wishes and requests. If your vacation does not coincide with the vacation of your husband (wife, loved one), then you can try to discuss this with your colleagues and, for sure, there will be someone who is in the same situation and is ready to exchange with you.

Sometimes the prescribed vacation days are divided into two identical periods - you rest two weeks in the winter and another two weeks in the summer. In this case, it is simply necessary to draw up a vacation plan. This will allow you to use your precious rest time to the maximum, and not waste it on thinking and throwing between travel agencies and train stations.

Where to?

Most of us think about how to spend a vacation and what for long before the cherished day. Well, and "pennies", of course, we start to postpone in advance. You can calculate the approximate amount of savings about 3 months before your happy moment.

The amount has been determined - you can start choosing a direction. It is not necessary to go to a travel agency and listen to advertising speeches of its employees. Read reviews about resort areas, hotels and beaches, service and catering outlets of the place where you would like to go during your vacation. A huge role is played by the climate of the chosen place, traditions and peculiarities of the mentality of the "aborigines", the political situation in the country. If you know all these details in advance, then there will be nothing unpleasant to surprise and disappoint you. A couple of weeks before departure, it is worth settling all the formalities - visa, tickets, hotel reservations.

Choose a country, the time difference from which does not exceed 3 hours. Then you don't have to waste precious time rebuilding the body's internal clock. Prepare a first aid kit that suits your needs, rather than generally accepted rules. Take with you those drugs that have already helped you out, quickly cope with your problems. Do not buy unfamiliar medicines in the resort area. It is not a fact that they will advise you exactly what you need, especially if there is no annotation in Russian on the preparation.

Let's wave to the dacha!

If your summer cottage is located in France or on the ocean coast, then you probably don't need to plan a vacation. But if your dacha is in the suburbs of one of the cities of the Russian Federation, then a recreation plan is necessary. Try to have a rest schedule and a daily schedule. You will need both of them. And strictly follow them, otherwise the vacation will turn into a battle for the harvest and cleanliness of the site.
