If there is very little money for a vacation, this is not a reason to spend it at home. There are countries where you can fly to have a rest quite inexpensively. At the same time, great pleasure will be received.

Recreation places - inexpensive and interesting
Before planning a budget vacation, you should decide what exactly you want. If the beach and the sea - you can pay attention to Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt. It is in these directions that inexpensive charter flights fly. It is there that hotels of different classes are presented, which are suitable for any wallet.
With all the relative cheapness of the voucher, you can save additional money. There are two options - the first is early booking. In this case, you get a good discount on hotel accommodation. The second is last minute deals. In this case, plane tickets become cheaper. But if with early booking you choose the dates of your vacation and the hotel, then in the last minute tours you will have to be content with what you have.
You can buy plane tickets yourself and save money at the same time. Just subscribe to the newsletter from airlines and monitor the state of prices on the air carrier market.
In the event that there is no desire to fly to another distant country, you can go on vacation to one of the former Soviet republics. Abkhazia, Georgia, Kazakhstan - there are a huge number of attractions and unique natural creations. Mountains, lakes, seaside, etc. At the same time, the prices for everything are quite low.
The most expensive trip may be a plane ticket. Therefore, it is better to make such trips in your own car. It gives a certain freedom, and there is no need to spend the entire vacation in one place. In a short time, you can go around the whole small country, having visited amazing places.
Cheap vacations - what you can save on
On vacation in any country, the kitchen in the room is very helpful. Therefore, when planning a budget vacation, rent an apartment with a kitchen block. You can always cook the simplest scrambled eggs, pasta, drink tea there. Eating in cafes, even the most inexpensive ones, always comes out more expensive.
You can save money on the trip if you do not rent a hotel room, but a room in a guesthouse or an apartment. Such options are always cheaper, while in terms of comfort they are not much inferior to hotels.
Today, excursions around the country can be organized independently by renting a car. This is especially convenient if several people are traveling. Then, for little money, you can go around the main sights, the inspection of which does not require the presence of a guide. A huge plus of a rented car is that you are not tied to a group and can leave the place you don't like at any time.