Some lovers, a few months after the wedding, start planning to go somewhere on vacation. However, since you do not yet fully know your soul mate, there are many things you should consider. This will make it possible to avoid conflicts.

If you have a dog, then you can ask your mother or mother-in-law to pick him up for a few days. If you have nowhere to put the parrot, then your friend may well come to your house and feed the bird.
Be sure to consider organizing a joint vacation. If, say, you are an accountant and your husband is a karate coach, then it would be best for him to watch football on TV in the hotel, and for you - to walk around the neighborhood and improve your health on the beach. You should start packing your suitcase a week before going on a trip.
We do not recommend that you bring a large number of things with you. It is advisable for you to bring a swimsuit, a couple of dresses, a T-shirt and jeans. Bring the necessary medications based on your medical condition.
It so happens that lovers after stress at work cannot come to their senses emotionally. This is often the reason for quarrels. What to do in this situation? Put your nerves in order and help the chosen one to calm down. Sometimes you can spend the evening apart. You can sit in a cafe and your spouse in the gym.
Finally, we want to remind you that even if there is a very close relationship between you, you still have “your own” character traits. There are no identical people.