A blue boulder that fulfills wishes, an island inhabited by a mysterious ruler, a lake with "living" water, "talking" reservoirs - it turns out that all this happens not only in fairy tales or science fiction films, but also in reality.

There are really many places of power in Russia that heal, fill with energy, inspire and fulfill desires. The most famous of them are:
Mount Belukha

Gorny Altai is a very powerful energetic place in itself. But Belukha Mountain is something out of the ordinary. If you can stay close to it and it will give you strength, then the locals do not advise to climb to the top just like that, without special need. They say that the entrance to Shambhala is located in its depths. True, so far no one has found it (or has it carefully hidden it?).
Mon Repos Park (Vyborg, Leningrad Region)

Water from a local source helps you to recover and put your thoughts in order. Plus, it's very healing.
Tomb of Matrona of Moscow

The great saint helped a lot during her lifetime. She does not stop doing this even after death. Therefore, people from all over Russia come to her grave, hoping for gaining health and healing.
Kulundinskoe lake

Coming to the reservoir for swimming in water rich in oceanic salts is only worth with positive intentions. Because he knows how to translate your thoughts into reality.
Olkhon Island on Baikal

According to various psychics and shamans, this island, like a magnet, attracts cosmic and earthly energy. It is here that there is a sanctuary in Koldovo, a two-peaked Shaman-rock and a slab with "Bargut" inscriptions. And it is here, according to the opinion of many local residents, that the mysterious ruler of the island, ezhin Khan-Hate-babai, lives, and it is rather dangerous to disturb him. Especially if you came with any vague request, and not on an important matter. The spirit is very angry because of this.
Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

This monastery is known not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the Near and Far Abroad. It is considered the spiritual center of our country. And not in vain. After all, it was not for nothing that Dmitry Donskoy, who received a blessing from the monks here to win the Battle of Kulikovo, won it?
Chapel of Xenia of Petersburg in St. Petersburg

Many believe that if you write your wish on a piece of paper, put a note at the chapel, then light the icon and walk around the holy building three times, then it will definitely come true.
Big Rabbit Island

Here are the "northern labyrinths", the date of creation and purpose of which has not been established. It is believed that if you come here and enter the structures, then men will increase their mental activity, and women will be cured of infertility.
Perynsky hill

This place of power in Russia is one of the most serious. Once upon a time, ancient kapiza and Christian churches and monasteries were located here. True, only the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has survived to this day, which, according to scientists, was built in the 13th century.
These are the places of power in Russia that are worth visiting in the first place. Have a nice trip!