The Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, the tourist season in which is open all year round. It pleases with its unusual and slightly fabulous architecture, various historical sights, cultural events and delicious local cuisine. However, in order to enjoy all this, citizens of the Russian Federation must first obtain a visa.

Step 1
In the Czech Republic, a Schengen visa is valid, the type of which depends on the purpose of the trip and its duration. You will be issued a short-term visa for a period of 90 days to enter the country for tourism, medical treatment or visiting relatives and friends living there. To live in the Czech Republic or to work for a long time in this country, you will need to obtain a long-term visa.
Step 2
You can get a Schengen visa to enter the Czech Republic in two ways - with the help of a travel agency and on your own. The first method is especially practiced if you are going on a trip on a voucher - then the travel agency employees independently issue you a visa for a certain percentage included in the price of the voucher. You will need to provide all the documents required for a visa and pay the consular fee.
Step 3
It is also easy to apply for a visa to the Czech Republic on your own. To do this, you need to go to the website of the official embassy of this country in Moscow, familiarize yourself with the list of documents for obtaining a visa, depending on the purpose of your trip. As a rule, a visa requires an international passport, a copy of a Russian passport, photographs of a certain format, a certificate from the place of work, a bank statement, confirmation of a hotel reservation and other documents. The list of documents for children, working and non-working adults may differ slightly.
Step 4
There you should also download the application form of the established form, fill it out on a computer, print and sign. The application form can also be obtained from the consular department of the visa center and filled in in Latin capital letters. After that, you need to make an appointment at the embassy or at the visa center of the Czech Republic, if there is one in your city, at the phones indicated on the website. Then you need to come at the appointed time with a package of necessary documents and pay the consular fee. A few days later, your passport will be returned with or without a visa, if the embassy officials decide not to let you into the country.