How To Travel The World

How To Travel The World
How To Travel The World

To make life sparkle with new facets, it is best to go on a journey around the world. A lot of new acquaintances, adventures, joyful, exciting and unpredictable events - what kind of vacation can be more interesting and brighter. You don't have to be rich for this, but some conditions will still have to be met.

First of all, you will need a passport and a visa to travel. Some countries are allowed to enter without these documents, for example, Abkhazia, Belarus or Kyrgyzstan. Others require only a passport, without a visa - this is Armenia, the Bahamas, Burundi, the Dominican Republic and many others. Embassies of most visa-free countries also request return or third-country tickets, a medical certificate is required to Zambia, and sufficient funds are also checked in Grenada, Honduras and some others.

It's also a good idea to know at least one foreign language. In most countries in Europe and North America, you can communicate using English, in South America, Portuguese will be much more useful. In any case, it is convenient to download a translator program to your phone, preferably with a voice translation, or at least acquire a phrasebook dictionary.

In general, money, or rather lack of it, can become the main obstacle to traveling around the world. If there are not enough of them, it is better to think over economical travel methods in advance. For example, you can choose and book a room in a hotel or a cheap hostel in advance by reading reviews about it in advance. A hostel is a hostel where several people are accommodated in one room. For example, in Nepal you can find a bed for 2-3 dollars per night, in Laos - for 6-7 dollars, in Egypt - 3-6 dollars.

For the brave and sociable, an exchange trip can be recommended. Special sites help people get to know each other, then some go to visit others. Travelers from another country will be accepted, accommodated, and help with sightseeing. However, you should be prepared to accept a return visit.

Another opportunity to visit another country is work and residence programs. According to these programs, the traveler signs a contract and for a certain time, usually several months, for little money, he works in a foreign country. Usually it is simple physical labor, for example, picking persimmons, oranges or watermelons, painting or construction work, etc. You should immediately find out about the daily routine, availability and number of days off, local prices, distance from public life and the city. Sometimes you can find convenient offers - for example, to look after the house and garden with accommodation, this is especially true for Abkhazia.

When choosing a country, it is important to understand that the level and cost of living is different everywhere. For the same amount, you can live a week in Norway or Sweden, a month in Eastern Europe, summer in Southeast Asia, a year in Honduras or Guatemala.
