Holidays abroad are directly related to currency exchange. This happens, as a rule, twice: at the entrance and at the exit. In order not to be deceived and not to lose on commissions, you need to know some rules.

The first currency exchange takes place mainly at the airports after arrival. You need money to pay for a taxi, to buy a SIM card if necessary, or just to buy water. It is not recommended to exchange the entire amount, since the rate at the airport is not the most profitable. When exchanging currency at a bank, you need to look at the commission. The commission may depend on the amount you are exchanging, it can also be fixed. In Asian countries, the rate depends on the denomination of the banknote: the higher the denomination, the better the rate. It is recommended to keep the exchange receipt, since sometimes it is necessary when leaving to exchange local currency for euros or dollars, as proof that the money was purchased legally. You can also exchange currency at the hotel, but again at not the most favorable rate. But if you choose between a hotel and a black market or an unknown exchange office in the city, it is better to choose a hotel. Currency exchange at exchange offices that are not in banks, but simply on the streets can lead to the fact that a commission will be taken, which is not warned in advance, old-style banknotes may be issued, and sometimes counterfeit banknotes, which will be problematic and will have to be returned waste time talking to the police. It is better not to agree at all to the lucrative offers of those who change the currency "with their hands", offering a favorable exchange rate. In this case, there is a risk of getting a smaller amount, counterfeit banknotes or even sheets of paper. Moreover, in some countries such operations are considered illegal.