How To Go To Holland

How To Go To Holland
How To Go To Holland

Table of contents:


It's good where we are. How often do Russians want to go to a country that is shown on TV, where it is beautiful and free, where the laws, people and language are different. How can a Russian person go to Holland, and what is needed for this?

go to Holland
go to Holland


Step 1

You can just take a trip to Holland. To do this, contact a trusted tour operator. You will be presented with possible options to choose from. But if you have already been there and you want to leave for Holland for a long time, certain conditions must be met. Usually this is the legal side, a problem with permits and paperwork.

Step 2

To leave for another country for a long time, you need a guarantor, that is, a party inviting you to the state. This can be a Dutch citizen with whom you are going to be legally married, an educational institution in which you are planning to study, or an employer for whom you will work.

Step 3

However, if your marriage is in Russia, then Holland may refuse your visa. But you can buy a Schengen visa in Moscow, and in extreme cases, get to the country of tulips by rail through Poland and Germany.

Step 4

The second option is living and receiving education in Holland. There are a lot of English-language courses and training programs in this country. Look at the official websites for the conditions of such programs, fill out the questionnaires, draw up the documents and go.

Step 5

And the last thing is work. Everyone knows that Holland is one of the European countries where there are a lot of international organizations and projects. Therefore, if you do not have the funds to create your own business (which would be very profitable in a country with such a geographic location), find the company's website on the Internet, send a letter with a request there. If you are interested in the employer, he will help you with the preparation of the necessary documents. If you already have a business partner in the Netherlands, you can simply sign a cohabitation agreement with them. It will also give you the right to live and work in Holland.

Step 6

Going to this beautiful country, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the traditions of the people, with the subtleties in communication between people and culture, because in addition to legalized prostitution and hashish, this country has a rich cultural heritage. In addition, you will need knowledge of at least English, although Holland is a non-English speaking country.
