Holidays in the Middle East are becoming popular among Russians. Today, this tourist destination is only gaining momentum. The Kingdom of Jordan is truly considered a Middle Eastern pearl - a country of hospitable and benevolent people.

Kingdom of Jordan
There are no such controversial tourist reviews about any corner of the world as about this region. Some admire the sights of Jordan, others are struck by poverty and devastation in small towns.
This Arab state has an ancient history, but gained independence in 1946. Almost 90% of the country's territory is occupied by deserts and this is reflected in its economic development. The country suffers from a shortage of natural resources and does not fully meet its own needs for agricultural products. Tourism is an important sector of the economy, accounting for a tenth of the Kingdom's GDP. First of all, travelers are attracted by the healing power of the Dead Sea, diving in the Red Sea and an interesting excursion program. This place is suitable for recreation for adults and families with children.

Tourist safety
An important issue that worries tourists is always the problem of travel safety, sometimes not without reason. Over the past few decades, the situation in the Middle East has been unstable, and military conflicts have flared up every now and then. All these subtleties hinder the development of the tourism industry to the fullest. Every tourist who goes to Jordan for vacation wants to get the maximum experience on the trip, and not worry about their own safety and their companions. The reviews left by tourists in 2017 and 2018 are convincing that the country is able to ensure the safety of tourists who come here on vacation. The state has a low crime rate and good police work. Law enforcement officers are often found on city streets and in public areas. In the region, the Kingdom is the most stable country, there are no religious strife here.
When is the best time to visit Jordan
Recently, Russians have been choosing family vacations with children in Jordan. This trip feels like a real adventure. It is better to go to a country with such a hot climate with a child in spring or autumn. In the off-season, in October or March-April, it is more comfortable here and the sea water temperature is about 20 degrees. The air warms up to 25 degrees, this is the best time to relax on the coast of the Dead Sea. The period is especially favorable for excursions, and Jordanian tourism pampers with a varied program.
Reviews of tourists from Russia indicate that there are fans of hot and dry weather. Such a vacation will be provided by a tour to Jordan in the summer. During this period, the line of differences between day and night temperature indicators is almost erased, this is especially evident when swimming in the sea. But visiting the desert will not be available - the sun is too hot.
Jordan gladly welcomes tourists in the winter season. The climate this year is friendly for both adults and children. Daily rates reach 17 degrees and you can bask in the warm sun, although the wind often blows and it rains. Judging by the reviews of our compatriots, February is especially suitable for these purposes. At night, on the contrary, it gets cold, the specifics of winter recreation is reflected in a sharp temperature drop. The coldest place in Jordan is in the north of the country, one cannot do without warm clothes during this period.

Rest cost
A trip to Jordan cannot be called a budget trip. Numerous hotels guarantee an excellent level of service, but the cost of staying in them is above average. Choosing the right place to live can significantly affect the quality of your vacation. According to the reviews of visitors in 2017 and 2018, it is worth choosing the most prestigious and expensive hotels. Using the all-inclusive system, in addition to food, you can use the swimming pools, tennis court, cinema and many other services at no additional cost. Some families with children, who are supporters of beach holidays, do not leave the complex throughout the entire time and enjoy the sea splendor in the protected areas of the coast. The cost of such a stay will cost an adult Russian 4500 rubles per day, much more expensive for the whole family.
If you are on a budget, you can stay in a small hostel. There are few of them in the country and the price per day will range from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles. For this amount you can get a room with air conditioning and a fairly hearty breakfast. Tourists who have visited Jordan write their reviews about hostels. This will help you to correctly determine the choice of place and not get into unsanitary conditions. In short, a visit to the Kingdom of Jordan is available to a traveler of any income.
How to navigate the country
The journey from the Russian capital to the resorts of Jordan is a bit tiring. It will start with a five-hour flight. Then, if you arrived in Aqaba, and not in Amman, it will take more than three hours to get to the hotel by bus or car. But, this is only the first impression. In fact, Jordan is a small country and it is very convenient to navigate through it. The main city of Amman is divided into two halves. In the eastern part there is a classic Muslim quarter, in the western part there is a developed infrastructure and rather attractive architecture, a European will find it comfortable here. These controversies are causing mixed reviews from the visit to Amman. The distance between the capital and the second major center of Aqaba is just over 300 kilometers. In this city it is pleasant to wander the streets and visit the beaches with white sand.

All interesting places in Jordan, attractive to tourists, are located between the two cities. To get a complete impression of this country and get acquainted with its history, it is worth taking a number of excursions and seeing the main attractions of the Kingdom.
Most tourists, when they are going to go on vacation to Jordan, dream of visiting the ancient city of Petra in a mountain gorge. Bedouins still live in the sandy rocks, and they refuse to offer them comfortable housing. A significant area is occupied by the Wadi Rum Desert. You will have to spend a whole day on the trip. Lighting at different times of the day changes the color of sand and rocks, and this picture delights tourists. In their reviews of visiting this place, they call it a unique corner of the planet.
Lovers of antiquity will be interested in the city of Jerash, built during the time of the Romans. Christians travel to the place of pilgrimage at the Madabu shrine. In the capital of the state, the Roman theater is well preserved; its scale amazes tourists.
You can agree on the services of a guide directly on the street or choose on the website after reading reviews of other tourists. An acquaintance with the city of Petra will cost $ 100 per person, and a visit to the desert will cost everyone $ 150.

Vacation at sea
Such type of tourism as diving is gaining momentum. Scuba diving to the bottom of the Red Sea guarantees a lot of impressions and unforgettable moments. Some people wait a year to be on vacation in this fabulous place. Most of the diving centers are concentrated in the northern part of the country near the city of Aqaba.
Medical tourism on the shores of the Dead Sea is always popular in Jordan. The coastal area is divided by numerous hotels, mud treatment guarantees relaxation and good rest.
The intricacies of Jordanian tourism
Reviews of tourists and numerous photos of Jordanian beauty prove that it is safe to travel to this country, and the rest is extremely diverse. The only caveat may be the issue of tap water. It is not recommended to drink it; in any hotel for tourists, the required amount of bottled drinking water is stored. This also applies to food sold on the street. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better not to buy it, fish or meat may be poorly cooked.
Taking into account its peculiarities, this resort place is very attractive for tourists. It is better not to think, but to fly to this country for 10 days - this is how long the tour lasts. During this time, you can enjoy the delights of Jordan and get an unforgettable experience. And be sure to bring souvenirs and gifts from the Dead Sea, which are sold everywhere in the shops. Tourists from Russia bring coffee with cardamom from Jordan. A fragrant box with an incredibly tasty drink will remind you of this country for a long time.