Where To Go On Vacation In Russia In

Where To Go On Vacation In Russia In
Where To Go On Vacation In Russia In

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Many Russians prefer to spend their holidays abroad, but what if the trip turned out to be impossible for a number of reasons, and do not want to stay at home? A worthy alternative to foreign resorts is traveling in Russia.

Where to go on vacation in Russia in 2017
Where to go on vacation in Russia in 2017


Step 1

Tours along the Golden Ring of Russia, which includes about twenty cities to the north-east of Moscow, are very popular. Fascinating excursions to historical sites, acquaintance with unique architecture and immersion in Russian folk culture will allow you to look at your homeland in a new way and, possibly, love it again.

Step 2

You can also spend a wonderful vacation in the Northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The city of Petra is not without reason considered one of the most beautiful in the world: luxurious palaces and museums, bridges thrown across the Neva, graceful parks and the Gulf of Finland create a special unique atmosphere of this city, to which you want to return again and again. If the weather permits, be sure to visit the picturesque suburbs of St. Petersburg: Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Gatchina or Peterhof.

Step 3

To truly relax your body and soul, get closer to nature and natural beauty, go to the fabulous Karelia, which is located in the northern part of Russia. The white sea, coniferous forests, clean air, transparent lakes and fast rivers will return you a sense of harmony and give you strength until your next vacation.

Step 4

In the warm season, most Russians prefer the resorts of the Black and Azov Seas. It is noteworthy that the Russian south offers options for vacationers with absolutely any level of income: there are inexpensive boarding houses in Tuapse or Sochi, and children's camps in Anapa or Gelendzhik, and, of course, luxury rest in luxury hotels. In addition to a beach holiday in southern Russia, you should definitely visit the mountains, local waterfalls and see other attractions.

Step 5

Fans of outdoor activities should go, for example, to the Lower Volga, where you can go fishing and hunt wild birds. Accommodation is offered in comfortable mini-hotels or cottages. You can engage in extreme rafting, visit the wave of geysers or swim in useful thermal springs in distant Kamchatka, a trip to which will give impressions for the rest of your life.
