The Republic of Khakassia is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Its capital is the city of Abakan, and the total population, according to estimates at the beginning of 2014, is 534, 079 thousand people. All 61, 569 thousand square kilometers of Khakassia are part of the Siberian Federal District. Moreover, this Republic is the first Russian territory conquered in southern Siberia.

Geography of the Republic of Khakassia
On the western and north-western sides, this region borders on the Kemerovo region, on the south - on the Republic of Altai, on the southeast - on Tyva, and on the northern, eastern and northeastern sides - with the much more extensive Krasnoyarsk Territory.
It is through the territory of the Republic of Khakassia that the majestic and full-flowing Yenisei runs, flowing along the Sayano-Altai Upland and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. In addition to the Yenisei, the Abakan, Tom, Chulym, Black Ius, White Ius rivers also flow in the region. The famous Russian hydroelectric power plants - Sayano-Shushenskaya and Mainskaya - are also located in Khakassia.
In addition to the capital of Abakan, there are also four large cities on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia - Abaza, Sayanogorsk, Sorsk and Chernogorsk. But the population in them does not exceed 75, 5 thousand people, while 173, 205 thousand people live in the central city of the region.
What is the road to Khakassia and its capital
Of course, the easiest way is to come to Khakassia on business or to explore its unique natural resources, from large neighboring cities by regular buses from Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk, Kyzyl, Gorno-Altaysk, Novokuznetsk.
Khakassia is quite remote from Moscow and St. Petersburg, so most often people get to this republic by flights. The airport of the city of Abakan is located in the village of Kalinino not far from the capital. The following companies fly here - JSC "Abakan-Avia", JSC "Vladivostok-Avia" and JSC "Airport-Abakan".
Unfortunately, the vast Russian geography makes it difficult to travel across Russia by rail. So, train number 068Y departs from the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow to Abakan, and the travel time will be 74:55 hours. Unfortunately, there are no direct railway routes from the northern capital to the Khakass capital, so you will need to come first to Moscow, after which you just go 100 meters from the Leningradsky railway station to Yaroslavsky and change to another train.
The car on the way from Moscow to Khakassia will need to cover a distance of 4100 kilometers, which will run through Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Kazan, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Petropavlosk, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo. Moreover, first you will need to go to Entuziastov highway, then to Gorkovskoe highway, highway M7, M5, highway P254, then A1, then M51, P254, P255, P412, P257, which will lead to Abakan. The distance from St. Petersburg to Abakan is 800 kilometers.