Choosing where to go with your child in Moscow during the holidays is not an easy task. Indeed, in the Russian capital there are many architectural monuments, theaters, museums, amusement parks and other remarkable places. Therefore, sometimes you can combine a visit to the most popular places with not the most famous ones.

Step 1
It would be a big mistake not to take your child to the Moscow zoo during the holidays. It is not only one of the largest in Eastern Europe, but also has a very extensive selection of animals, birds, reptiles. The Moscow Zoo has bears, foxes, elephants, crocodiles, seals, penguins, lynxes, owls and other inhabitants. In order to look at all the animals, you have to come here right to the opening. There are usually no queues at the box office, so buying a ticket will not be a big problem. But the child will have a lot of impressions.
Step 2
If a child gravitates towards cognition of the world and various kinds of experiences, then he and his parents have a direct road to the Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentarium". Here you can conduct chemical, physical experiments, play various musical instruments, get acquainted with the structure of a person and, in general, learn about the world and how it works. Usually it takes at least three hours to inspect this museum and carry out most of the experiments. So parents should be prepared for the fact that their child decides to stay here a little.
Step 3
Also during the holidays, the child can be taken to the Bolshoi Theater for the Nutcracker ballet. This will be especially appropriate if it happens during the winter holidays. The magnificently staged fairy tale by Hoffmann will not leave anyone indifferent, and the wonderful music of Tchaikovsky will delight both adults and children.
Step 4
Recently, the Museum of the USSR was opened on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC), which enjoys great success. There is a very extensive exposition of things, equipment, furniture and toys from the times of the Soviet Union. This museum is also famous for the fact that there is a room symbolizing Lenin's Mausoleum. The thing is that in this room lies a Lenin doll, which … breathes. It scares someone, laughs someone, but it certainly does not leave indifferent. And after visiting the museum, you can play Soviet slot machines - Sea Battle, Rally and Safari.