When traveling to England, you need to behave with others in a friendly and dignified manner. And do not forget a number of rules and norms of etiquette, which are categorically not recommended to be violated.

Step 1
Behave with courtesy and courtesy. The British do not tolerate excessive emotionality, loud exclamations and excessive gesticulation. They themselves are reserved and expect the same from tourists who have come to their country. Of course, no one will make remarks to you, but you will not achieve a favorable attitude towards yourself either.
Step 2
Observe the queue in all public places - at bus stops, in the checkout area of shops, at newsstands, in museums. The British are sensitive to the fact that the service takes place in a strict sequence.
Step 3
Greet all the people you are addressing. Don't forget to say “good morning / afternoon / evening” to hotel staff, public transport drivers, salespeople.
Step 4
Use the words “thank you”, “please” and “sorry” as often as possible - when buying souvenirs, newspapers, groceries, ordering food or drinks from a cafe.
Step 5
Compliment, but don't be too intrusive. The British themselves often express admiration or interest in something, but this is just observance of etiquette. The inhabitants of Foggy Albion will especially delight your interest in the history, architecture, and traditions of this country. Consider carefully whether to voice your opinion on politics.
Step 6
Be courteous to everyone around you. Open the doors to those who are going to enter the premises with you, wait until those who wish to enter the elevator, give way to older people in public transport.
Step 7
Do not talk about the superiority of one football team over another, the British are fiercely rooting for their club, even if they play in the Fourth Football League. If you want to talk about football, express your admiration for the national team.
Step 8
Don't be late if you have an appointment with a native English speaker. The delay will be perceived as a sign of extreme disrespect.
Step 9
Remember that driving on the left in England, look right and then left before crossing the road.
Step 10
If you want to take a photo of a police officer, be sure to get his consent. Do not shoot the interiors of museums and galleries without official permission, do not take pictures in the subway with the flash on. It is strictly forbidden to film and photograph other people's children.
Step 11
Do not smoke in public places, it is prohibited by law. Pay attention to the signs “No smoking”.
Step 12
Keep in mind that alcoholic beverages are sold strictly until 23.00.
Step 13
At the bar, do not try to get the bartender's attention by loudly shouting or waving banknotes. Be sure, the employee of the establishment noticed you a long time ago, he just did not have time to serve those who came before.
Step 14
If you dine with a company in a cafe or restaurant, agree on the list of dishes with everyone. When the waiter arrives, one person has to place the order. Someone also pays, it is not customary in public to pass the bill from hand to hand and wait for everyone to pay for their lunch.
Step 15
Do not tip the waiters or service staff in your hands, this will be interpreted as a sign of disrespect or even contempt. Place your money under a napkin, bed, or nightstand.
Step 16
Use all the cutlery offered.