Every year, the Burning Man independent art festival is held in the picturesque Black Rocks Desert in the US state of Nevada. For several days this lifeless place turns into a “city of masters”: here anyone can become what he has long dreamed of.

What is Burning Man
The Burning Man Festival - which literally means "burning man" in English - is also called the Fire Festival. On a huge area of the desert, once a year, a city appears where unusual things happen. Once in Black Rock City, they even saw the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, who, without a shadow of embarrassment, handed out cheese sandwiches to the participants.
A prerequisite for full participation in the festival is the presence of a costume. It should be original to the limit and very unusual, because it is a kind of admission ticket to the event. In this deserted place, they are greeted by their clothes. The suit removes communication barriers and makes it easier to establish contacts between participants. You don't need to spend a lot of effort on the quality of the finish of the suit you choose. The main thing here is an original and unique image, a certain idea born at the moment of creative burning. The participant of the festival should take care of his image in advance. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to fit into the atmosphere of the holiday.
Before going to the festival
For a group trip, the best option would be to use a mobile home equipped with a kitchen, shower and, of course, air conditioning. This mobile home allows all travelers to rest during the exhausting heat of the day. If you do not have such a vehicle, you will have to live in a tent.
During the event, the "desert" town is equipped with mobile toilets. There are always enough of them. Such amenities are located along all the main thoroughfares of the city. At night, the toilet is easy to find by the light of the beacon.
Daytime heat in the desert can reach +30 degrees Celsius, but at night it gets pretty cool - sometimes up to +6 degrees. It is best to stock up on two or three pairs of shoes, one of which should be closed (sneakers will do).
The best clothing will be the one that can protect the traveler from the all-pervading dust and the scorching rays of the sun. A wide-brimmed hat and light, long-sleeved shirts are helpful. It also doesn't hurt to have two extra sets of underwear. You can't do without basic hygiene items, moisturizer and sunscreen. In addition to standard goggles for sun protection, goggles that fit tightly to the face and protect the eyes from dust can be used. Their cost is not too high.
The lighting in the city at night is not very even. Therefore, it is advisable to stock up on a pocket flashlight. Better yet, get a handy flashlight that can be mounted on your forehead. But no one can forbid making a lighting fixture part of a festival costume. For this purpose, any light elements (for example, neon wires or LED strips) will do.
The experience of other participants suggests that it is not very pleasant to fiddle with clumsy suitcases at the festival. Those who have already visited the Burning Man more than once prefer to use convenient luggage bags. They do not take up much space and are easy to fold.
A little about food at the festival
So you've decided to go to the Black Rocks Desert. During a trip to the Fire Festival, you should never forget about food. You should buy and take with you a sufficient amount of food that does not need serious preparation and is completely ready to eat. It can be crackers, cheese, muesli, eggs, milk, sausage, various fruits. The set of products will be determined by the way you choose to travel to the venue of the festival. This is why a mobile home equipped with a refrigerator is convenient.
The most appreciated by fans of "Burning Man" is drinking water. It must be stocked at the rate of at least five liters per person per day. You should drink water very often and as much as you want: in a desert, fluid constantly evaporates from the surface of the body. If fluid loss is not replenished, heatstroke may occur. This is the price of carelessness.
What a festival participant needs to know
It is forbidden to buy and sell anything in Black Rock City. But here you can exchange things and make gifts - this is in every possible way encouraged. If travelers, like Zuckerberg, plan to distribute food to others, Nevada health authorities need to get approval in advance.
You need to know that police and rangers are closely monitoring the observance of order at the festival. The presence of the forces of law and order is almost invisible, but one should behave in this atmosphere of universal celebration and jubilation culturally and within the framework of the rules and decency accepted in society. Otherwise, you can get into an unpleasant situation of conflict with the local squad.
And the last recommendation. Animals cannot be taken to the Berning Maine. Beloved pets will have to be entrusted to relatives, friends or acquaintances for several days. This kind of restriction is aimed at ensuring the safety of the participants and the animals themselves.