If you are going abroad in the near future, you need to issue a passport. Or re-register if you have an old model. Where and how can this be done in the city of Togliatti, Samara region?

Step 1
Obtain a work book or a certified copy from your employer. If you are temporarily not working, then the work book should be in your hands. For those who have not yet found a job after graduation - a diploma or a certificate of graduation from the last educational institution.
Step 2
Fill out the questionnaire, describing your work activity (study), as well as indicating the place of residence for the last ten years. Glue a 3.5 x 4.5 mm photo. Sign and stamp the employer's questionnaire (for non-working - with the employer from the last job, for students - with the dean).
Step 3
You will need to prepare the following documents: - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; - work book (diploma, certificate); - 4 photos 3, 5 × 4, 5 mm (best matte color without corners); - old passport (if any); - military ticket (for men); - a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (for men under 27); - a receipt for payment of the state duty.
Step 4
Please note: minors are also required to have a new biometric passport. To do this, you should collect the following documents: - birth certificate or passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and their certified copies); - passport of one of the parents; - 4 photos 3, 5 × 4, 5 mm (best matte color without corners); - receipt about payment of the state duty.
Step 5
Depending on the area in which you live, apply with the questionnaire and documents: - to the OUFMS of the city of Togliatti (Yuzhnoe Shosse Street, 26; t. 8 (8482) 39-00-78, 39-19-75; - to the FMS the city of Togliatti (Avtozavodsky district, avenue Stepan Razin, house 16a; t. 8 (8482) 32-59-50).
Step 6
Contact the FMS at the appointed time in order to be photographed in a special booth and take biometric data to issue a new passport.
Step 7
Since a biometric passport cannot be produced urgently, make sure to issue it in advance. Passport production time - 1 month.