Cafes And Restaurants In Budapest

Cafes And Restaurants In Budapest
Cafes And Restaurants In Budapest

Restaurants and cafes in Budapest have only one drawback: there are so many of them that in a couple of weeks you will not be able to get around even half of the legendary establishments recommended for visiting. In total, there are over 1000 places in the Hungarian capital where delicious national cuisine and delicacies from other countries are served. Among them there are also Russian eateries - a great option for those who are used to feeling at home in any country.

Cafes and restaurants in Budapest
Cafes and restaurants in Budapest

There are even restaurants in Budapest that are exclusively for vegetarians. They are located in different districts of the city, including I, V and VIII. This is very convenient: walking around the capital of Hungary, a vegetarian will always find a place where you can have a delicious lunch!

To get to know the city better, you should taste it. That is why every traveler who comes to Budapest should definitely get acquainted with the local cuisine. Such a recommendation can be given even to the owner of a delicate stomach, because Hungarian food is distinguished by its lightness and pronounced, but at the same time mild taste, far from the pungency or bitterness that the cuisines of some other countries "sin" with. The only problem can be the large amount of spices that Hungarian chefs generously pour into soups and main courses. However, the issue can be resolved even when ordering food, you just need to inform the waiter about your wishes.

The average check in the city's establishments varies greatly. Lunch in an expensive restaurant costs about 16-18 euros, and in a mid-range cafe - about 8-10 euros. However, this does not mean at all that budget travelers in Budapest will have to starve! Not at all, because in this city there are several hundred inexpensive cafes, where the traveler is not only welcomed, but also deliciously fed, and after the end of a hearty meal they will bring a check for 5-7 euros. Of course, it is worth visiting the best restaurants in the city, known far beyond Hungary, at least once, but if you do not plan to spend too much money on food, feel free to choose cheap cafes. Despite the low cost of the dishes, the food quality is excellent!