The distance between Moscow and Pskov is 731 km. Trains run between cities, planes fly, and regular buses run. Trains leave from the Leningradsky and Rizhsky railway stations in Moscow.

To Pskov from the Leningradsky railway station
Leningradsky railway station is located at Komsomolskaya Square, 3. It belongs to the Oktyabrskaya railway, serving the St. Petersburg - Moscow line. In order to get to the station, you need to get off at the Komsomolskaya metro station. There are two more railway stations near the Leningradsky railway station: Yaroslavsky and Kazansky. For more information, you should call the Russian Railways single reference number 8 (800) 775 00 00.
The first train from the Moscow railway station to Pskov leaves at 15:50. Arrives at the destination the next day at 05:00. Travel time is 13 hours 10 minutes. In summer, it runs once a week on Fridays. On the way, stops at the stations Tver, Bologoye, Staraya Russa, Morino, etc. The Pskov branded train also runs from the Leningradsky railway station. It leaves at 18:30 and arrives in Pskov 13 hours later. A ticket for one of the best trains in the country costs 700-1500 rubles. more expensive than regular trains. The flight is operated daily.
Trains from other stations
You can get to Pskov from the Rizhsky railway station, located at the address Rizhskaya square, 1. On Fridays and Sundays, train # 663R departs from this station at 19:56 every week. Travel time - 16 hours 9 minutes. On certain days, train # 667Sch leaves the station at 22:19. Arrives in Pskov the next day at 14:35.
Also, trains run to the designated point from the Kursk railway station, which is located at ul. Zemlyanoy Val, 29. From this railway station on even days at 17:11 a transit train departs with the connection Sukhum - Pskov.
Other modes of transport
There is air communication between the cities. You can fly to Pskov by plane from Domodedovo airport. The flight operates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday weekly at 21:20. Two hours later, the airbus lands at the Pskov airport. Also, every day you can fly to the final destination with a transfer in St. Petersburg.
From the Shchelkovsky bus station in Moscow, located on the street. Uralskaya, 2, every week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 20:00 a regular bus runs from Moscow to Pskov. Passengers arrive at the Pskov bus station at 10:55 am the next day.
You can get to Pskov by private car along the M9 and M20 highways through the cities of Rzhev and Velikiye Luki. There is also the option of traveling along the M10 highway through Tver to Veliky Novgorod, and from there along the inter-municipal road to the designated point. Travel time is 9 hours.