How To Hitchhike?

How To Hitchhike?
How To Hitchhike?

Hitchhiking allows you to significantly save on air and rail tickets. Thanks to this, this type of travel is very popular and becomes a way of life for some people. To avoid unforeseen difficulties, you need to properly prepare for the trip.

How to hitchhike?
How to hitchhike?

First of all, you need to start with drawing up a route. You can compose it using a car atlas. It is best to start your first trip on busy roads that pass by a large number of settlements, so you will be sure that you will not find yourself on a deserted road away from villages and towns.

After the final destination has been chosen and a competent route has been drawn up, you can start packing up for the trip. Considering that sometimes you have to go on foot, the backpack should not be heavy. The number of things should be minimal and only the most essential. Do not forget about identity documents. Also, take care of a first-aid kit with a set of necessary medicines in advance. Personal hygiene products such as deodorants and eau de toilette will not be superfluous. The backpack should also contain some food such as chocolate, cookies, nuts, etc., as well as a compass, knife, flashlight, matches, or a lighter. If you are not sure if you can find a place to sleep, bring a tent with you.

To catch a car, you need to use a gesture that is the same all over the world - an outstretched hand and a thumb raised up. It is best to catch a car outside the city, since only taxi drivers will pay attention to you within the city. Someone prefers to catch the car, continuing their movement along the road, while someone prefers to stand still - the choice is yours. To avoid misunderstandings, immediately clarify that you are hitchhiking and, accordingly, hope that you can accompany the driver for free. If the car stops, but the driver is not credible, ask where he is going and after answering, tell him that you are not on the way.

Do not forget that you are a guest in the car and adhere to certain rules. You do not need to ask the driver to change the music, even if you don’t like it, in no case tell him how to drive the car correctly, if the driver wants to chat, keep the conversation going, because many truckers need fellow travelers just for this, so that during conversations do not fall asleep while driving. If you smoke, first ask if you can smoke.

In the event that you are on the road at night and really want to sleep, also ask the driver for permission. If you are traveling with truckers, you may be lucky enough to sleep for a couple of hours in the driver's special berth. You can also spend the night in your existing tent. For safety reasons, it is better to do this either in a secluded place, or vice versa - in crowded places, for example, in campsites or tent camps.

If you dream of hitchhiking, but this is your first trip, make a small route for a start with a minimum number of days on the way. Follow the safety rules, travel and gain experience.
