Up To What Age Does A Child Need Permission To Travel Abroad

Up To What Age Does A Child Need Permission To Travel Abroad
Up To What Age Does A Child Need Permission To Travel Abroad

Neither their parents are responsible for the actions and movement of minors. Therefore, when traveling abroad, the child must have an additional package of documents confirming that his parents are either following with him or are aware that he is going to cross the border.

Up to what age does a child need permission to travel abroad
Up to what age does a child need permission to travel abroad

Up to what age does a child need permission to travel abroad?

The age after which a person is considered an adult and capable of being fully responsible for his actions is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is 18 years. From this moment on, a citizen is considered fully capable and can exercise both the rights and obligations of a citizen. Prior to that, the parents representing his interests are responsible for him. In the absence of parents, the interests of the child under 14 years old are represented by judicially appointed guardians, and after 14 years old - by the guardians.

A child may cross the border with a parent or parent, guardian or caregiver. An independent travel of a child who has already turned 14 years old is also allowed, unaccompanied by adults. In the event that a child travels abroad with a relative or an accompanying person in a group, he must have a written and notarized permission from the parents, guardians or trustees for this. This document confirms that they are informed about the trip, know where and for how long the minor is sent, and also give their consent to how he will spend his time: travel as a tourist, live with relatives or relax in children's health camp.

Documents required to travel abroad with a child

Parents or one of them traveling with the child, when crossing the Russian border, will need to present identity documents, as well as documents of the child. He must have a separate passport, which is issued at any age. If the child's surname differs from the surname of the parent or parents, you will need to present his birth certificate, as well as documents on the conclusion or dissolution of marriage. When traveling with a guardian or trustee, the document confirming the relationship is a certificate of guardianship or trusteeship.

If the child is traveling with only one of the parents, the written consent of the other parent is not required when crossing the Russian border. But you should inquire in advance about the procedure established in the host country. In some states, the consent of the second parent for the child to cross the border is a mandatory document.

When a child follows on his own, in addition to his passport and a notarized copy of the birth certificate, he will need the consent of one, or better, two parents, certified by a notary. This document must contain the details of the trip: where, for how long and for what purpose the child is traveling. In the absence of consent from the second parent, a document should be drawn up stating the reason for his absence. This can be a notarized copy of the death certificate or a certificate from the registry office in form No. 25.
